6. The princes and the prince

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"So jorge just Came to your place?" Alba Said curiously

It was lunchtime and i sat with alba, lodo, cande and mechi outside on the grass.

"Yeah he asked if i wanted to help him with homework" i answered as they smiled.

"And did there happen something between you Guys?" Mechi Said with a Bright smile on her face.

"Owh did you Kiss?" Lodo Said with weith eyes as i just looked strange to them.

Why would i Kiss with jorge? We aren't a couple or something

"No ofcourse not are you girls crazy? Jorge and i are just friends." I Said while i was looking seriously they all began to laugh really hard

"Owh tini you know girls and boys can't be friends they all fall in love with each other and then" cande Said while she was laughing and let her hands Kiss.

I signed as i frowned At the same time "you Girls are impossible to talk with" i Said while i stood up and Walked away.

I Walked fast to my next lesson as i bumped in Someone and all my Books fall at the ground. I took my Books and as i looked up is saw jorge.

"Uhmm i'm sorry" i Said a bit quiet as he smiled.

"Are you fine?" He Said while he was smiling

"Yeah just a stupid fight with the girls" i Said to him as he laughed a bit.

"You girls..... where did you fight about?" He Said while my head turned into panick

I could aspect that he would ask this why am i so stupid?

"Just girl things, the wanted to let me wear a dress" oh gosh lie lie lie this is not good

"I think a dress would suit you great" jorge Said while smiling

"Hmhm" i Said

"Do you like to do something after school?" He Said smiling

"Do you mean as an" he cuted me off

"No no not an date just as friends" he Said smiling

"Great See ya after school" i Said smiling and Walked away
I was waiting for jorge outside as i didn't saw him anywhere. Did he forgot?


"Aaahhhh" i turned around as i saw jorge.

"That's not funny jorge i was so shocked!" I Said while he just begin to laugh harder

"I'm sorry princess but it was funny" he Said smiling

"Not it was not. W..w..what did you call me?" I looked surprised as he still smiled

"A princes you are so wonderful as an princes" he Said while i began to blush

"Okay i'm the princes but then you are the prince" i Said while he smiled and Hugged me

"Let's go" he Said and we start walking

So here is the last chapter for today. ❤️ i know you Guys think i have a lot of time to write but i actually started to write for this book one week ago so i actually had made Some chapter. I think i don't Will post so much if i'm through the chapter what i already made💞 but we'll See. Love you all have a good night❤️


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