20. The big move

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Jorge's pov.

I woke up as i felt Martina's head on my chest i looked up as she was stil sleeping.

I looked to the time and it was already 12 o'clock. Oh gosh we have to hurry up.

"Martina wake up" i Said while i shook her but i didn't succeed.
"Martina" i tried again. "Little princess wake upp" owh this girl is impossible to wake up.

I looked around as i saw a bottle with water and smirked. I replaced Martina as i stood up and took the bottle.

I threw the water on her face and her eyes opened emadiatly as she looked mad and i began to laugh.

"Jorge!!" She Said mad as i laughed even harder.

This girl is so sweet when she is mad.

"Why did you do that!" She Said still mad

"I'm sorry princes but it's already 12 o'clock and i don't succeed to wake you up" i saud while her eyes became weith.

"WHAAAT it's already so late" she Said while she stood up and Walked to the bathroom.

She smiled Before she closed the door and changed her clothes.

Martina's pov.
"Hello mr eb mrs blanco" i Said smiling.

"Hey Martina" jorge's mother Said

"Thank you so much i can stay here" i Said still smiling

"No Martina we have to thank you. Thanks to you jorge is smiling everyday so this is just a little thing what we can do" jorge father Said while i looked to jorge and he looked to the ground.

"I really make you happy that much?" I Said blushing.

Jorge's mother smiled to me and she and jorge's father went.

"Yes princes you made me the happiest boy in the world" he Said while he Came closer and i blushed.

"I love you jorge" i Said looking to him

"I love you too Martina" he Said Before he lean in and kissed me.

I kissed him back while i hold my hands on his cheek. After a while we were out of breath so we backed off.

"Come on princes i'm gonna show you your room" jorge Said while i nodded

We Walked up stairs and Walked to a room and he opened the door.

I looked around and it was so wonderful there was a huge bed and a closet and a  door with a small balcony.

"Owh jorge this wasn't neccesary" i Said smiling 

"Everything is neccesary when it comes to you" jorge Said smiling

"Thank you so so much my Hero jt's amazing" i Said while i Hugged him.

"Nice you like it princes" he Said while he kissed my head.

"But you're still allowed to sleep with me" i Said smiling while he laughed.

"Hmm ofcourse princes" he Said smiling.

He Came closer to Kiss me but tien the door went open and i Saw mrs. Blanco.

"Uhmm sorry if i interupt you Guys but i wanted to say that the dinner is ready" she Said smiling.

"Okay Thanks mum" jorge Said

"Thanks mrs. Blanco" i Said Before she smiled friendly and went.

"Come princes let's eat" he Said smiling.

Yeej.. Let's go eat.

We went downstairs and i looked what they had. Thank god there was a salad and they also had patotoes and meat.

I only took Some salade as jorge frowned.

"Come on Martina take Some patotoes." He Said while he took the pan and wanted to place Some patotoes on my plate but i put my hands above my plate.

"Jorge let that girl eat her salade"jorge's mother Said while i smiled thank fully to her.

"Okay.." Jorge groaned while i laughed.

We continue eating in a silence not in a awkward one but in  a comfortabel peacefully one.

Jorge's pov.

I and Martina were in her room as we sat on the bed.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked marina while she looked up from her toughts

"Uhmm watching a movie?" She Said while i smiled.

"Okay let's watch a horror movie!" I Said while her eyes began to be weith.

"No no no Please don't" she Said.

"Owh come on i'm here and it's not that scary" i Said while she nodded.

"Owh yeah it is i HATE horror movies." She Said with weith eyes as i began to laugh.

"No Please jorge i can't sleep when i watch  horror movies, Please i'm begging you!" She Said while she hold my hands and begged me.

"No Martina we are gonna watch Annabelle but you'll like it and i'm you're Hero right?" I Said while she nodded.

"Then i Will be here to protect you" i smirked while she hit me playfully.

"It's not funny!" She Said while i nodded

"Owh it is" i Said while i Walked to the tv and took the dvd on. I sat beside her and from the first moment she cuddeled into me.

We watched the movie and Martina screamed a few times as Someone Came in the room.

"Uhm is everything all right here?" My mum Said as i laughed

"Yes mum we are watching Annabelle" i Said while my mum looked to Martina

"Owh jorge! What are you doing with this poor girl. Anyways ere is Some popcorn" she Said While she shook her head and gave us Some pop corn

"Good luck martina" she Said Before she went and we continue watching the movie.

"So that was Fun right?" I Said while i look to Martina who was still cuddeled into me.

"No it was not this was the scariest movie i've ever seen!" She Said while she looked mad.

"Owh princes then have a good night now" i Said while i tried to stood up but she hold me on my waist so i couldn't stand up.

"Oh no you're not going you stay here to protect me" she Said smiling while i laughed.

"As you want princes" i Said Before i put the Blankets above us and she cuddeled into me again.

"Good night princes"

"Good night jerk" she Said laughing while i laughed to.

I kissed her head and then we fell in sleep.

So hello luvs❤️
finally Martina lives with jorge❤️ i hate horror films 😯😬😬
i really liked to write this chapter and i hoped you liked it too❤️ have a Nice day❤️

~Juul ❤️

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