25.the ruïned date

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Martina's pov

I woke up as i felt something hard but comfortable onder my head, jorge. I looked up as i saw he was awake.

"Hello princes" he Said while i smiled

"Hello Hero" i Said back.

"Go and sleep more if you want i Will make breakfast" jorge Said to me as i shook my head.

"No i Will make it this time" i Said while i looked into his eyes

"All right we Will make it together okay?" He Said smiling while i nodded

"Good idea"

We went downstairs as we began to make breakfast.

"So.. Today is the match" jorge Said while i signed

Right.. The match .. We Will first go to the match and then we Will have a date.

"I know" i Said signing

"Don't you wanna go?" He Said looking worried

Ofc i don't want to go but i Will do it anyway. For him..

"No but i Will do this for you my hero because you did so Many things for me" i Said while a smile growed on his face

"Tinita.. You don't have to do that for me" he Said while i turned around to look to him and took his hands.

"Jorge.. You did so Many things for me and i never did something back and this are ways i can Give it back at least a little bit. I know i don't have to but i want to so i Will go with you to that match" i Said smiling while he smiled back

"I love you princes" he Said smiling

"I love you too" i Said Before i pecked his lips a few times Before i backed off
Jorge's pov

"No no no omg noooo" Martina Said while she cuddeled into me. I guess she is affraid. Just a bit...

Martina and i were at the match now but Martina was sooo affraid she tought the fighted would come to us or something.

"Ssssst martu it's just a match they won't fly in the sky and then popped above your head and fall at you" i Said laughing while she turned her head and looked to me.

"Jorge it's not funny this people are gonna kill each other why do people buy tickets for this?" She Said looking worried

"Because jt's funny" i Said smiling while she looked to me

"No it's not jorge, look to them" she Said while on of the fighters Pulled the other on the ground

"Jorgeeee i'm affraid" she Said while she cuddeled into me and put her head into my shirt.

"It's almost the finished then the day is gonna be perfect" i Said while i stroke her and she looked up.

"Okay wake me up then because i can't continue looking at this" she Said while she layed her head on my lap and fell a sleep.

This girl is so damn cute when she is sleeping..
"Beauty it's finished" i Said while i saw her waking up slowly

"Hmhm" i heard her saying as she smiled

"Shall we go?" I Said while she sat
Up and smiled.

"Yeah let's Get out of this scary place" she Said while she looked affraid.

We went out and i took her to my car as i opened the door for her and drove away.

"Where we going?" She Said curiously

"You'll see" i Said smiling while she signed

"Come on jorge ... Please tell me" she begged while i shook my head

"Just have patience.." I Said while she signed like a young girl

"Okay daddy" she Said signing

"Good girl" i Said while she laughed a bit

We droved in silence till we arrived.

Martina's pov

Jorge took me out of the car while i smiled

"Where are we going" i Said while i hoped he Will answer

"You'll See that Soon" he Said smiling

Okay i think i just have to accept he wouldn't say anything about the surprise.

We Walked a while and then we Came to a park but it looks like we were at a big garden.

We Walked inside as there lay a blanket with a little basket. Everywhere were candles and jt's
Was so beautiful with the sunset.

"Oh it's beautiful jorge" i Said smiling Before i Hugged him

"Sit down princes" he Said smiling.

I sat down and the whole evening we talked and ate a bit. Well... I ate three things i think and jorge three tousand but that doesn't matter.
"It was wonderful jorge, i loved to spent this night with you" i Said smiling after i took his hand

"I have loved it to princes" he Said Before he Came closer.

He leaned in as he kissed slowly with so much passion. I kissed him back and after a while we backed off and smiled to each other.

"I love you" i Said smiling

"I love you too" he Said.

"Come let's go home jt's getting late"jorge Said while i nodded

We stood up cleaned everything and Walked back to the car.

We were almost at the car but then i saw Someone i don't wanna See.. Espacially not with jorge

"Uhm let's go that way" i tried but Pepe already saw me and Walked fast to us.

"Hey Martina" he Said smiling while he Hugged me.

"Hello Pepe, this is jorge... My boyfriend" i Said looking to him

"And jorge.. This is Pepe an old friend" i Said while jorge became to be in anger

Jorge's pov

"We were not just friends" Pepe Said as i looked to Martina who became pale.

"We go now bye Pepe" she Said while she took me to the car.

"So how Many eyes do you have Martina?" I Said looking mad at her

"Only Peter and Pepe.." She Said while she looked a away.

"And do you still feel anything for one of them?" I Said while i still looked mad.

"No no ofcourse not. They are asholes" she Said while she looked to the ground.

I actually think she still feels something for Pepe...

"Say it in my face Martina" i Said while she looked up. She cried i saw it. Her face was wet

"I Maybe still feel something for Pepe.."

So Hey Luviesss
So.. There is Some trouble in Paradise....
FINALLY I HAVE HOLIDAYS I REALLY NEED THEM. what are you Guys gonna do in your holidays?  Love you all

~Juul ❤️

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