26. I need you

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Jorge's pov
"What!?!" I Said looking to her with weith eyes.

"I still feel something for him but" she Said but i cuted her off

"But what Martina? You don't want to hurt me? Guess what you already did" i Said while i tried not to try

"No jorge listen to me" she Said while she took my hands and looked into my eyes

"No Martina i don't want to listen to you, i..i need Some time" i Said while tried to walk away but she hold my arm so i couldn't walk away.

"Jorge Please i can't Denay that i still feel something for Pepe but i don't want to be with him anymore. He hurted me. A lot And i could never ever be with him because he is selfish and he is not right for me. And the only one i love is you, jorge i don't want to be with anyone else then you and i don't Wanna lose you either because without you i would be nothing, Please jorge don't say it's over" she Said while she hold me close and looked into my eyes.

I can't let her go like this. I love her and she absolutly love me too. Since i Came in her Life she become better and happier and i don't want to make everything worser for her. I love her so much and i don't want to lose her.

"I Will not let you go Martina" i Said Before i leaned in and kissed her.

We kissed for we while Before we let go of each other and she Hugged me tight.

"I'm so so sorry jorge i don't want to hurt you but i just wanted to be honestly" she Said while she was still in my arms

"I'm happy you were honest to me Martina" i Said while she smiled and we Walked back to the car.

"Jorge?" Martina Said while she turned her head to me.

We layed in the bed as we were trying to sleep but it didn't succeed...

"Yeah?" I Said while i Played with her hair

"I'm so sorry for everything i love you jorge and i don't want to lose you" she said while she looked to me

"I love you too Martina" i Said as i kissed her haid and hold her tight

"And now go to sleep, diego comes tomorrow and you don't want him to think you are a zombie,right?" I Said while i laughed a bit.

"Hey That's not funny!" She Said as she hitted my arm playfully.

She turned around and cuddeled into me.

"Good night Martina"

"Good night my Hero" was the last thing she Said Before she fell a sleep.
Martina's pov.
Diego Came to jorge's place today and now i'm on my way to mechi. I didn't saw her for a long time but we decided to do a Shopping day today.

I was in my own thoughts as i bumped into Someone. I looked up as i saw Pepe

"Owh sorry" i Said while i looked to the ground

"Martina we need to talk" he Said while i signed. This is not good..

"No i don't want to talk" i Said while i troed to continue walking but he Stopped me by holding my arm.

"Martina 1 minute Please" he begged while i signed again.

"Okay fine 1 minute" i Said while i looked to him

"Martina i'm so sorry for hurting you. I went to spain to move on but i just can't. You're an amazing girl and what i did was wrong. I have changed Martina and i want you back" he Said while he took my hand and smiled.

Did her really want me back? No it don't matter Martina you love jorge and you are happy with him and Pepe had his change.

"Pepe.." I Said.

"I want you Martina" he Said while he leaned in to Kiss me but I stepped back.

"Pepe i am with jorge and i love him" i Said while he looked hurt.

"I'm sorry but you have to move on" i Said while i took of my hands and Walked away.

I turned around and looked to him.

"And Pepe?" I Said looking to him while i looked hopefully. "Please stay away from me" i Said Before i Walked away to mechi's home.

I arrived at mechi's house and knocked the door.

"Martu!" She Said while she Hugged me

"Hey mechi" i Said smiling while i Hugged her back

"What brings you here?" She asked while she let me in

"I have missed you and.. I need Some advice" i Said while she nodded

" okay tell me Martu" she sad
"No.. You still like that jerk?" She Said looking surprised.

I had Told her everything while she was eating fruit.

"Maybe but it doesn't matter he isn't good for me,is he?" I Said while i tried to take Some fruit but mechi took my hand playfully.

"No ofcourse bot Martina. Did you forget what he did to you?" She Said while i shook my head.

"I wish i could forget it.." I Said while i felt tears in my eyes.

"Ah Come here" she Said while she embraced me.

"Don't cry martu it's over and now you have a sweet boy who takes care of you" she Said while i smiled to her.

"Yeah you are right i'm lucky that i have jorge. He does everything to make me happy" i Said smiling 

"That's how a gentleman have to be" she Said with a high voice if she was my grandma as began tp laugh.

"You're crazy" i Said laughing

"You are too" she Said while she took me by my wraist and tikkeled me.

"Mechiii" i screamed. "Let me goo" i Said while is laughed.

"No if you want me to stop you have to win" she Said while i looked to her

"You want a war? Then you Will Get a war!" I Said while i took a pillow and hitted her with it.

So hello sweetheartsss
So today jt's the first day of christmas and it's my 3 month universy with mi estrella💫
So i don't there is something what can destroy my day😏
Anyways i hope you Will had a wonderful day today
I really liked to write this chapter espacially the jortini and Mechini moments.
I hope you like it as much as i do❤️
Love you all and have a merry christmas💫❤️


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