11.the promise

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Martina's pov
I and jorge drove to the beach but i still didn't understand what we are going to do here...

"Jorge... Just tell me what we gonna do." I Said while he smiled

"I'm not gonna tell you anything" he Said while he laughed a bit

"But why we don't have a date or something" i Said while his smile disappeared a bit

"I wish we had" he wispered quietly in the hope i didn't hear that. But i did

"What?" I Said and looked to him. As he began to be nervous

"Huh what?" He Said as i frowned

"What did you Said?" I looked to him

"I Said huh what" he Said laughing a bit

"No... Before that" i Said as he looked to the way

"Come on we are here!" He Said. Hmmm he is saved for this time..

Jorge's pov
Pff i saved myself just on time..

I opened Martina's door and she smiled and Came out.

"Okay you have to put this around your head" i Said while i Give her a blindfold and put it Before her eyes

"Jorge is this really nescesary?" Tini Said while she signed

"Yeah come on" i Said while i took her to a part of the beach

"Okay open your eyes" i Said while she opened them and Pulled the blindfold away

Martina's pov

"Open your eyes" jorge Said as i opened them.

I looked around me and saw a little bench and a canpfire there laid Some food and i smiled to jorge.

"So do you like it?" He Said while i smiled.

"No.." I Said while his smile dissapeared. "I love it!" I Said as he smiled.

Gosh he is so beautiful and i think i want him to be more then a friend.

"Do you like to toast a marshmallow?" Jorge Said as i nodded Excited.

We went to the bench and Pulled Some marshmallows above the camp fire.

"Thank you jorge, thank you for everything" i Said while i cuddeled into him and he hold me.

"Martina i need to tell you something" jorge Said as i looked up to him.

"Say it" i Said curiously as he tought for a bit.

"Jt's kind of hard to say it" he Said

"Just say it" i Said while i smiled friemelt to him.

"Okay Martina i think i like you" he Said while he smiled. "More then a friend" he Said while there Came a big smile on my face

He liked me ...this damn cute Guy liked me.

"B...b..but if you don't" he Said but i cuted him of

"I like you too jorge.. Very very much" i Said while i smiled and he kissed me.

I kissed him back and it felt so magical if the world would explode of happiness and the world Will be one happy place. This felt so right and this felt like it would never ever end.

We kissed for a long time as we hadn't any breath anymore and let each other go. He pecked my lips once and then took me in a long Hug.

We backed off as the only thing what i could do was smiling.

Gosh... I didn't felt me so good for a long long time.

"Martina?" Jorge Said as i looked up to him away from my toughts.


"Do you want to be my girlfriend" he Said as i smiled

ofcourse i want to be his girlfriend. There is nothing i would rather to be!

"Yes" i Said while he smiled big an kissed me again.



"Can you Promise that you don't break my heart?" I Said worriedly

"I Promise"

So Before i go to sleep. I have a long chapter for you all❤️ finally jortini !!
This chapter was so much Fun to write that i just couldn't stop so That's why it's pretty long. I wanted to thank you all again for over 300 reads and almost 100 comments. I love you all so much and you all make me so motivated to write and i really like that.  Don't forget i love you honeys and have a good night. Sleep well❤️❤️

~Juul ❤️

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