19.big changes

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Martina's pov.
I was in the clinic while the doctor Came in.

"Hello doctor" i Said while he smiled.

"Hello Martina i need to tell you something." He Said while i became to be curious.

"Tell me diego" i Said while was to curiously.

"Okay we have good news" he Said smiling. "You can leave the clinic"
He Said while i began to smile Bright.

"What?" I Said while i couldn't believe it? "Are you serious?"

"Yess but there are Some things what are gonna change in your Life Martina" he Said while he frowned.

Owh gosh what does he means?

"First of all you won't live with your parents anymore but you Will live with jorge" he Said while my eyes went weith open.

"Why?" I Said unbelieveble

"Because we think jorge is the only person who can really help you Martina. I talked with jorge about it and he would take care of you but you Will still go on this school and Clara and i Will come every week to check how you are, is that clear?" He Said while i began to smile

"Yeah i think so" i smiled.

"Okay then you can leave tomorrow" he Said while my smile began to be brighter.
Jorge's pov.
I was at school And now we had break i and rugge sat with the girls to tell them i Will take care of Martina.

"So Martina is gonna live with you?" Cande Said with big eyes.

"And she already know?" Lodo asked curiously.

"Yes and Yes they think Martina isn't safe anymore in the clinic" i Said while they all frowned

"why?" They all asked included rugge.

"Sorry Guys i can't tell that, and i think we have to go to our next lesson" i Said while i let them See the time on my Phone.

"Owh god come we have to hurry up" mechi Said while she stood up and we went to our lesson.
After the lesson lodo and cande Came to me as i smiled.

"Jorge?" They Said in the same time.

"Are you going to Martina  now?" Lodo Said as i nodded.

"Yes why?" I Said while i already knew the answer.

"Can we go with you? cande Said.

"We didn't se Martina for a long time and we miss her so much" lodo filled in

"So Please say Yes" they begged while i laughed.

"Ofcourse you can go with me girls Martina would be really happy.

The girls smiled and we went to the clinic

We went to Martina's room as she first saw me and Hugged me.

"Owh my Hero thank you so so much" she Said while she smiled and Hugged me even tighter.

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