34. The man

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Jorge's pov.

"No no this can't be true!" I Said to myself as i threw my computer from my table.

I have searched three hours for a clinic in Canada but no non results.

There isn't a clinic for anorexia or for Boulimia in canada.. Martina is in a trap and i have to save her..

I took my jacket as i went to the hospital for an explainition from diego. I drove to the hospital as i Walked in on my way to his office. I opened the door as i saw him sitting and he was shocked to see me.

"Hey Jorge what are you doing here?" He said as I came closer with a lot of anger

"Where is Martina!" I screamed as he looked innocent

"Martina is in Canada, didn't she tell you she went to Canada?" He Said while i began to be mad.

"Oh come on you know what i mean. There aren't clinics in Canada and you know that! Why did you send her to Canada?" I said while Diego began to laugh evil.

"You will never ever find her nor Valeria" he Said smirking as i become only more in anger

"Where did you send them!" I repeated again. As i hold my hands on his desk.

"They are in Canada" he Said as i was really mad.

"Just tell me what you did with them!" I Said as he shooked his head

"You Ashole!" I Said Before i gutted him on his face and walked away.

I WILL find them NO matter what I WILL find them.

Tini's pov.

"Tinita?" I heard Valeria as I walked to her voice.

"Yes" I said while I tried to sat beside her

"Do do you know what day it is?" She said while I thought. What day is it? How long are we here? 2 days? 5 days? I really don't know..

"I..i.. I don't know" I said signing while I heard her signing too.

I felt her head at my shoulder as I hugged her a bit. Thank god I'm not alone here..

"Finders keepers
Just try to wipe this smile off my face
You made a believer
You made a believer out of me
I follow the leader
And my heart's the leader today
It's been a long road
We found love
No one can take it away
Finders keepers
Finders keepers" I sang quietly as Valeria interrupted me.

"Did you make that song?" She said while I felt her looking to me.

"Yeah" I said while I blushed a bit.

"Continue" she said as I continued singing.

I was almost done with the song as i got interrupted by someone who was clapping as I looked to the door.

"Well well Martina how beautiful" he said while I looked to Valeria. I was so affraid.

"T..thank you" I said while I didn't knew what I had to say.

"Can you sing too Valeria?" He said while he came closer to us. Maybe this is gonna help us I have a plan..

"No I can.." she wanted I continue her sentence but I cutted her off.

"Yeah she can do you have a guitar then we can play something for you" I said smiling pretending to be okay with this all.

"Yeah I have" he said before he walke  away and the door closed again.

"What are you doing!" Valeria said as I smiled but ofc she couldn't see it

"Trust me I have a plan" I said smiling while I just feel her frowning

"And what kind of a plan?" She said before the door opened again.

"Just play with me" I Wispered in her ear as the black man gave me a guitar.

"Confía en mí
junto a ti estaré, en los días nublados
confía en mí
no te fallaré, seguiré a tu lado    " I began to sing as Valeria nodded and song the song with me


Ya no te escapes más, acércate y verás
que aún hay mucho más, si tú te vas
cuenta con mi amistad, para hallar la verdad
que dentro tuyo está

Oh oh ohh confía en mí
no le sueltes por favor
oh oh ohh confía en mí, en mí...
confía en mí...
confía en mí...

Confía en mí, y en la oscuridad
tomaras mi mano
confía en mi, nada te atará
volarás liviano

Ya no te escapes más, acércate y verás
que aún hay mucho más, si tú te vas
cuenta con mi amistad, para hallar la verdad
que dentro tuyo esta

Oh oh ohh confía en mí
no le sueltes por favor
oh oh ohh confía en mí, en mí...
confía en mí...
confía en mí...

Confía en mí
junto a ti estaré
en los días nublados" we sang as we smiled to each other as the man clapped.

"That was beautiful girls" he said. He doesn't sound mean now. Maybe there us a change we can Get free without escaping.

"Why are we here?" I Said as he Came closer

"You already know that Martina" he Said as i could See his face now.

When I looked for a second I was shocked. I know this man..

Hey luvss,

Soo new chapter. I hope you liked this. I have test week now so i have to learn MUCH so I don't know how much I can upload but I will do my best. Love you girlsss ❤️


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