Chapter Two

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"You know I don't regret what happened." I said cuddling into Riker. Nothing happened after we came home, I went into my room and Liam rang me, drunk as usual saying how he hates me blah blah and how his sisters looking after Greg. I just lost it and broke down, Riker came into my room and hugged me, taking me to his room.

My room is the only room in the house with a single bed, my Mom was going to turn my room into a craft room for herself because I hardly slept in there I was either downstairs in the basement which we turned into a movie room or I was in Riker's bed. I used to get really bad nightmares for no apparent reason and I used to shake, kick and scream so I would have to have someone wake me up constantly.

"I've never said you did, all I've ever done about that is ask how comes you two had been dating since you were 15 and you choose me." Riker said sitting up on his elbow "why after 3 years of dating ? Why'd you sleep with me and not him ? Was it because he was older than us ?"

When Riker and I were about 17 maybe 18, I think we had just about turned 17 and we had this Halloween party, just us lot as a family and we had scary movies, colored popcorn, some alcohol, the rule with alcohol was we were allowed at least two and we had to have a soft drink afterwards, everyone else had gone to bed and it was just Riker and I and for some strange reason we kissed, it was strange because 1. We both were in relationships, 2. We were best friends. That kiss slowly turned into making out and that making out turned into us taking each other's virginities.

"I trusted you. I knew you wouldn't hurt me if you got paid all the money in the world, I let you push me off a roof into a pool, I wouldn't trust Liam to push me in from the side." I said making him laugh "stop it, I'm stealing your warmth."

Riker is a walking heater, and I don't mean physically, well he is pretty hot but to touch I mean, he does get cold but I'm always cold so even when he is cold his hot to me.

"Lea I need to move, my elbow is starting to lock and cramp at the same time." Riker said making me let go of him, Riker gets really bad cramps, he used to wake up screaming in pain and I mean screaming. Riker's a tough cookie, he doesn't cry very easily and he used to have a stream of tears coming off his cheeks, he was in so much pain once we called an ambulance because we thought he was going to die from the pain.

I know that sounds a bit stupid dying from pain but I've seen someone in so much pain their heart gave up and killed them.

Riker laughed and laid back down on his back, stretching his elbow out and put it behind my back letting me cuddle into him properly.

"Am I doing the right thing ? Staying with Liam ?" I asked making Riker shrug.

"Are you happy with him ?" Riker asked.

"Sometimes." I said.

"If he makes you happy more than he makes you sad then you're doing the right thing." Riker said making me laugh.

Riker and Liam hate each other with a passion, I don't know why but they've just never got along. Riker is protective over all of us but especially us girls, even Sue.

"What ?" Riker asked.

"Your Dad used to say that to me when I was little, if Prince Charming makes me happy more than he makes me sad, his the Prince Charming I want but you wanna know a little secret ?" I asked. Riker nodded and laid on his side normally "if you're pregnant, I have permission from your Dad to run Liam over."

I laughed shaking my head, my Dad and Riker have the same amount of hatred for Liam and it's hilarious because they'll come up like nicknames and code words for him and we have no idea what they're talking about, I'm being replaced by my Dad.

"Fairytales don't exist meaning Prince Charming doesn't exist, if I ever have another kid I'm not going to fu-"

"Another kid ? Like you already have one ?" Riker asked making me awkwardly laugh as I sat up.

"I have a 7 year old son who's nearly 8 I got annoyed at Liam because he left Greg with his sister when he was supposed to be looking after him." I said.

Riker sat up shaking his head "you have a son, non of us know about ?! What the actual fuck ?"

"Will you shut up ?! He wasn't exactly planed, I told Liam's sister to bring him round tomorrow. I didn't tell any of you because I know you'd freak out and then you'd want to meet him and Sue would complain how he isn't exactly normal." I said.

Riker tilted his head to the side and mouth normal "he doesn't talk, he can I have trouble shutting him up but he won't talk to other people, he can't exactly pee like a normal kid. I need your help tomorrow." I said using my begging eyes.

"What am I supposed to and why should I help you ? You lied to me." Riker said folding his arms.

"I didn't lie to you I just didn't tell you, if I lied to you I would of told you his my friends son, I just didn't tell you about him, pretty please, can you just like defend me ?" I asked.

Riker sighed and nodded "fine but if they give a good point that I can't argue with, I'm sorry but I'm swapping teams."

I laughed and nodded hugging him, tomorrow is going to be strange, my parents are going to find out about their grandson, I'm not really sure how everyone's going to take but invisibly I don't expect them to accept it straight away and I know there will be an argument and some point especially when Liam shows up, I know my Dad will tackle him to the ground and I also know Riker will stand back and enjoy the show because that's what happens in this family, when you have two people who hate one person so much.

"Alright come on, we need to get some sleep, tomorrow's going to be a long day and some fucker woke me up to go out drinking." Riker said laying down again, I laughed shaking my head and cuddled into his side.

"I don't know what I would do without you." I said making Riker laugh "I don't know what I would do without you either." Riker said going to kiss my head just as I looked up.

"That wasn't meant to happen, why'd you move your head for ?!" Riker asked blaming me for it.

"Because I felt like my neck was going to break and I didn't want to give you a cramp in your shoulder and it wasn't that bad." I said laying my head down.

I hope you like this chapter, I'll update everyday, I forgot to tell you that part but if you read my other book you'll know I recently lost a very special person to me and we still have things to do with the funeral, so please be understanding 💙😎🦄

Prince Charming {R5/Riker Lynch}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum