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A/N; So, hi! Alright this is a thing right! When you see this "//" it's a signal to play the jam that will be located on top. 👍🏼 Give me a heads up if you'd like me to continue! Cause for the past times I've typed up stories and I never knew where I was going with it. But with this one, I have a good feeling I'm going somewhere with it. So, enjoy!😁
Ruby's POV:
I yawned and slumped back into the car seat. "Is my little sweet pea tired?" My dad asked, looking at me through the rear vision mirror, then quickly back to the road, driving.

I looked at him through the mirror and nodded, looking back out the window.

The night is darker than usual since it's cloudy. Not one star in sight, with the rain starting to come as light drops hit the windows of the car. There's no cars infront or behind us on this quite highway. And when I thought it was creepy enough, the outside of the highway was covered with thick pine trees, creating an uninviting forest. But even if I was shitting my pants, I know that both of my parents would take care of me and calm me down, like they always do in that or any other related situations. I love my parents, and I couldn't ask for any better people to raise me.

"You would be tired celebrating your 13th birthday ay?" My mum asked turning to me from the passengers seat. I turned my head to her, nodded and smiled, then looked back out the window.

My parents hired a hall. A grand hall. The floors were marble and fancy with expensive paintings on the walls. All my friends, their family's and my family came. It was a huge surprise too! My dad said we had to go to the dentist in another town than the town we live in. I kind of got suspicious why I'd go to the dentist on my birthday, but I just thought it was a coincidence. So, today (Friday) after school we left and drove all the way to that town, which is pretty far from our town. When I got to the hall, everyone was there, screaming happy birthday.

We danced, ate the buffet and the meter giant cake until it disappeared, and did loads of fun activities! It had to be the best night of my life, no doubt. "Wow, too tired to talk hey?" Mum said turning forwards.

I managed to mumble "could you blame me?", "No, I couldn't." She reasoned.

"But look at me! I'm driving AND helped your mother set up YOUR birthday party" dad said proudly and enthusiastically. "But you're an adult, you can't play that card" I say adjusting my sitting position.

We all bursted into a fit of laughter. "Oh Ruby, what are we going to do with you?" Mum asked. "You're going to love me!" I said with all the strength I had.

"If there was a limit where we had to stop loving you, that limit would have been blown to pieces by now" dad sighed, shaking his head.

"That is true" mum says, pointing at me.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes, looking back out the window, resting my head against it. "Remember, we haven't given you your birthday gift yet, so you'll have to be awake when we get home ok?" I sighed but nodded.

I just wanted to stuff my face into my pillow on my bed, it's calling my name. I can hear it!

But I'm not as sleepy as I was before now that excitement is boiling up in my stomach and questions starting to fly through my head. What's the gift?

How much was the gift? Is it a puppy?! Is the gift edible? It was silent for a minute as the rain got heavier. It was now raining heavily with a faint sound of thunder, making me gulp.

Out of the blue I asked "could you play a song? Not too much beat though". "Yes, your royal highness" mum bowed her head playfully and turned on the radio. I poked my tongue at her and looked back at the window.


"Yay! Love this song!" I squeal. "Well look who isn't sleepy anymore?" Dad laughed.

"Mum got me all worked up for my birthday gift" I explained. "Trust me darling, you'll love this gift" mum reassures.

"It's very important to us all" dad says, looking at mum with adoration. I look at them as they stare at each other, getting lost into each other's eyes. I awe them mentally, knowing my parents relationship is healthy.

The moment got ruined when I stare out the front window to see a saturated giant dark brown wolf with mattered fur, standing in the middle of the road. It's blood shot red eyes shined in the headlights as it widen in shock.

"DAD!" I scream pointing at the window. He turns his head forwards and gasps. He then quickly turns the car to a sharp right, just missing the wolf as the wolf jumps into the forest. The car drifts in circles, with dad trying to take control back. I scream and take off my seat belt, hanging onto dads seat.

It was VERY stupid of me to do that but I panicked. "PUT ON YOUR SEATBELT RUBY!!" Mum screamed, grabbing hold of my arm. I ignored her.

Blood was rushing, my heart was pumping hard against my chest and tears started to form. "SHIT!" My dad shouted.

"BRETT!" Mum shouted before the car smashed into a hard object. The next thing I found was the car scrunched up into a tree, with my parents and myself in the middle of the road.

I looked up as heavy rain fell onto my head. I tried to get up but a humungous pain shot through my right shoulder and right leg. I looked at my leg to see it bent backwards. I started to cry out in pain, not able to get the image out of my head.

"MUM! DAD!" I cried, not only needing them to help me but to make sure they're not dead. But all I got was the sound of thunder, very loud thunder. "MUUM! DAAD!" I screamed, crying harder.

No reply.

The car was still playing that song, not helping with this situation at all! I turned my head over to the car, seeing a small flame. I gasped, but soon enough the rain settled the flame down, making it disappear. I flipped onto my back, making the worst decision of my life. I cried out harder, with unbearable pain shooting through my shoulder. I quickly rolled onto my left side of the body.

Making my backwards leg and popped shoulder hurt a tad less. I laid there, crying my eyeballs out. The rain got lighter by the second and stars started to appear in the night sky with the thick clouds drifting away.

As the rain officially stopped, I was welcomed to darkness.
A/N; Soooo, that happened!

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