Chapter 23 :Give me love♥

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It's been 2 week's. Pain and longing grew more with each passing day. Zendaya had trouble sleeping most night's, she woke up scanning the room for Val.. or just trying to find comfort in anything she could.

Then most night's she didn't sleep, she stayed up all night looking through pictures.. crying and talking to one of her close friend's. Nothing helped.. she  missed Val more than she cared to admit. She wanted to call him.. but she coulden't.

Anything she looked at reminded her of him. The wall's they painted .. when they first moved in together 2 year's ago. The pictures they took when they went on a trip to China witch ended crazy. Memories like those kept her up at night.

The only song she listened to was by Ed Sheeran. She knew she shouldn't be so sad.. she pushed him away,.. she wanted this didn't she ?She wanted that independent freedom that a single person could have.

Atleast she thought that's what she wanted.. turn's out she was so wrong. A month passed and no word from Val.. she saw new videos on youtube. She could see dark circles under his beautiful brown eyes.

He looked like she did, horrible. The thought that he couldn't sleep made her some what happy. He still missed and thought about her. One night.. she had enough.. she wanted him back.. she wanted Val.

She wanted his sweet talking,His husky voice,His kisses,His hug's. She missed that... But who was she too call him and tell him to come back? She couldn't and that night she sat there and didn't call.

A week went by after that night, she tryed moving on. She really wanted too .... She wanted to get over the guy that she couldn't have/ She didn't want this nagging feeling anymore... she just wanted to be happy.

Then ... she saw him one night. She was standing by Walmart .. checking her phone and she happened too look up and there he was. Standing by the entrance .. looking as handsome as ever. Her heart sped up.

She looked up and brown eyes met brown eyes. Before she knew it.. she was running at him with open arms.

~Well there it is.. I hope you liked it c':. I'm thinking of making a new story... i don't know yet. But if you liked.. Comment/Review It means the world to me c:♥

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