Chapter 7 - Valentine's Day

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Monday rolled around and classes were as usual. Note taking, quizzes, lectures, reading etc. I shuffled through them, pretending to be a normal human being. Caffeine and I were having a very committed relationship throughout the day. Someone might suspect I was cheating, with all the attention I gave to my coffee. It was time for work finally and I headed in. I had parked and grabbed my stuff and walked into the shop. Standing with Brendan behind the counter was a younger woman. "Ah the woman of the hour." He smiled at me, and she was smiling as well. The female was shorter than me; slightly taller than Bella. She had long black curly hair. Her eyes sparkled an emerald green. She was on the chubby side. Her cheeks were a rosy red under her pale skin. She was covered with freckles. She wore silver earrings that were of Celtic design. On her left hand, a claddah ring sat on her ring finger. She smiled at me all too eager to introduce herself; "Hi I'm Branna Morgan."

I smiled, "Leah Clearwater."

She looked at me, "Native?"

I nodded, "Yep."

She smiled, "My parents are off the boat, I was born here."

I smiled, "I'm from here. Well I'm from La Push. I was raised on the reservation down there."

She smiled, "That's pretty cool. I would love to chat more, when you get the chance."

I smiled, "Sounds good." I then headed into the back office.

Brendan and Branna continued to speak, "Leah's my assistant manager. She works evenings, and tries to come in on weekends as well. I'd like to move her to manager, and make you assistant manager. We have two younger people here. Both great kids, but they work a combined total of 6 hours a week. They're in high school. Business seems to be picking up since I brought Leah on. She does this once a month story time on Saturdays for the kids. She's been trying to get some local authors, or smaller authors in here. It seems to be working out for us."

They both smiled. "Well here is your set of keys. Leah can help you out. I'm heading out for the day. I will be back tomorrow morning."

Brenna smiled and slipped the keys in her pocket, "See you tomorrow and thank you once again." Brendan left, and Branna looked around.

I was working outback organizing our newest shipment of books. We were doing an authors corner this weekend, and I needed to get everything ready.

Branna popped in, "I hope I'm not interrupting you."

I looked up, "No come in. Best you get to know where the extra stuff is kept."

She stepped in, and sat down, "I hope I've not upset you in any way."

I looked up at her from my list of inventory, "What? Why would you have?"

She shrugged unsure of what to say, "Well you've been back here."

I quickly shook my head, "Sorry just been super busy. I had a lot on my mind. I came in with my niece yesterday, and we cleaned the store from top to bottom.

Branna smiled, "Oh ok. I thought you were married because Brendan hired me."

I chuckled, "Trust me; he needs the help in the mornings. I could use it in the evenings, and weekends."

She smiled wide, her cheeks turning rosy red, "Oh good." She was relieved. "So are you married?"

I laughed, "No not yet. We're close enough you'd think we were. Actually we met in this bookstore. I bumped into him." She smiled, "Love at first sight" I smiled, and "You could call it that."

She grinned, "Awe that's awesome." I nodded agreeing. We chatted until she left.

I closed up shop and made my way home. I detoured through down town, seeing if there were any shops that caught my interest. I walked along the street and just glanced at the displays. Valentine's Day was looming, and it was too close. Hunter wasn't a materialistic person, I loved that about him. I wanted something special since this was our first Valentine's together. I lingered on the street, my thoughts were just lost. I wound up heading back to my car and getting in. I sat there feeling defeated. My phone buzzed in my bag, and I ignored it. I started the car and started my journey home.

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