Chapter 6

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Lily's POV

He dropped me on the floor, making me land on my right arm. Pain flared up and down the numb limb. I push myself up to my knees and began crawling away. All I wanted was distance between Pan and me.

“That’s it… crawl for me.”

His words angered me to the point where I used what strength I had left to stand on two feet. I quickly got up and ran to the farthest side of the tent. The tent was quite bigger than it looked from the outside.

“Stay away from me,” I bit out in ragged breaths.

He smiled and in just a second appeared right in front of me. 

“Playing a bit too rough for you? Don’t worry I can actually be quite civil when obeyed.” 

He pulls my waist to him so that are bodies are now fully touching and kisses me. I tremble at his touch. He gives a satisfied smile and turns from my mouth to my neck. He moves down my throat, sucking on my flesh hard enough to leave a mark. He steps back leaving my body on the edge and filled with heat.

“You respond quite nice to my touch.”

He noticed. “You’re wrong.”

“I’m never wrong,” Pan replied.

His face darkened, in response to some private, inner thought, and he sighed. “Come on love, time for bed.

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