Prolouge-A Wish

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This is my first Fan Fiction ever! I've been thinking and thinking and I came up with this! Please Enjoy!~

I dont own Naruto! Just my own OC's



"I'm sorry you'r eyesight will be gone by the end of the year" That sentence kept repeating itself over and over in my head as the doctor explaned the proccess. This gives me 4 months to see?! I can't handle that! Im only 16! This can't be happening, but then again it is...

'I know! I cant belive your own ears'  My voice, which I've named Anna, said to me. This voice is in my head, when I was little I went to therapy for it. But slowly I began to not tell anybody and people thought my voice dissappeared. I guess my voice used to be known as my alter-ego that can sometimes take over my body if I'm not careful enough...but later I learned the truth behind it.

I sat up from my chair refuseing to meet the eyes of my doctor.

"Thank you..." I told her, and left the office after paying for the checkup. Getting into my own honda that I had bought with my own money. I sighed as I put my head on the wheel.

My name is Usagi Bubby-Nová, with the acute over it. My mother is Bubby and my step-dad is Nová. I guess you could say I'm an Average looking girl with a light earthy brown hair, some natural blonde streaks, about 5"3' and blue eyes. I also have a heart shaped birthmark on my cheek. In my school I don't belong to any "groups" I guess you can say I am neutural, in the middle, the guider. I help all the new kids find their place, also known as the ties between all groups. Which means I'm kind of a loner...but everyone is friends with me. 

I've also got this obsession with...yep belive it..NARUTO! I just love it! So does my alter-ego, Anna. She loves it so much! Her favorite charecters are Kakashi and Tobi, I for one think that She's too young for him, and Tobi is a bi-polar creep who is over 100 years old, but hey? Just me?

I put the car into drive and drove down the mile back home. 


I sat on my bed on my iPhone reading some fan-fctions about Naruto, my labtop infront of me with youtube and other tabs open.I was lost in my own little happy world when I heard Anna say.

'Look! A Shooting star!!' I for one had no idea how she knew that it was there because I wasn't even at my window, but I got up and looked, and sure enough it was there, a bright star with a long white yellow tail going torwards the horizon from polaris, the north star.

"Make a wish!" Anna said to me, sounding excited. I sighed

"I wish my troubles would go away..." I said sadly and plopped down on my bed as the star flew out of sight. Looking at the time I saw it was already 1 in the morning, Having nightmares almost every time I slept. I liked to stay up so I would be too tired to even dream, the nightmares were horrible, blood everywhere... the scenes made me want to break down and cry....This leaves me with minor insomnia. But it doesn't bother me...that much.

I turned off my labtop and closed my eyes, hoping no dreams would come and haunt me as always, I was too depressed to deal with them... what a bother.


WOOT~ So wattcha think? Its going to get really intresting after a few chapters.. I hope :O Well! Please Comment! I want to know what you people think of my writing!

I drew the picture on the side! Sorry about some blures and stuff! I was too lazy to wait a whole 10 minutes for ink to dry ^^'

Thank you ~bows~ ~Anna

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