16- MooMoo Exorcism-Failed :c

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MY fricking POV (warning quickness)

(One Week Later)

Naruto, Sauske, and Sakura have finished the second stage of Chunin exams. Now it's time for prelimitarys! WooHoo!

-Some Theme Song Plays- (play video) LOL I KNOW ITS SOUL EATER, BUT WHO CARES!

Usagi woke up after a long week freaking nap. She raged on Kakashi who was watching her like a freaking pedo. Pft naw, Ex-Anbu. Anyhow! Usagi realizes her normal body is bacck, so she's all DOUBLE RAINBOW OMFG! She then goes to watch prelims, Andrew is there too. Auburn and Ella are in school. Eria comes with Usagi. OKAY! USAGI POV because I am such a lazy ass who hurrys things up.. >w>

Usagi POV

I know what happens in each one of the fights...I saw the episodes. I looked around to see Gaara watching Sauske fighting the stupid other guy. I sighed and walked over to Gaara.

"Hey...I wan't you to meet someone." I said to him. Gaara turned his head to me.

"Do I know you?" He asked. I grinned and hugged him.

"Still awsome!" I yelled with a smile. I let go and ran to Andrew, I grabbed his hand and pulled him to Gaara.

"Andrew, Gaara, Gaara, Andrew, now be all bloodthirsty together!" I said pushing them together. They stared at eachother quietly.

Green eyes vs Red Eyes. A mineature stare off, like a dead stare with no emotions. I looked from Andrew to Gaara. A slight smirk on both of their lips. Aww look they are already BBFF's! Best Bloodthirsty Friends Forever! Temari and Kankaro looked over the railing in awe. I walked up to Temari.

"Temariiiiii, I hope we can be attempted friends! Kay bye!" I ran off behind Andrew before she could reply...Temari scares me D:

Gaara raised, what would have been an eyebrow...if he had them. Andrew turned his head slightly.

"Usagi, why do you wan't me to meet him?" Andrew asked, sounding abit annoyed. I shrugged.

"Because...I guess...you two are alike...and you know about him and stuff, and still like him so...FRIENDS! :D" I said with a smile. Andrew sighed. I quietly and quickly activated my Evil Eye to scan the area for dark sources. I saw it piled up where Orochimaru was standing, disguised as a grass ninja. I cursed undermy breath and stopped time. Everything was quiet. I moved to Orochimaru, who was watching Sauske's fight, which was almost over. I grabbed the demons around him, and strangled them off of him, then stabbed them to death with a Kunai. It wasn't much of a fight. I grabbed another Kunai in my other hand and let time move again. I placed the Kunai's in a X and smirked. I kicked Orochimaru in the side. Hard. He didn't hear or see me, he smashed into the pillar he was hiding behind. He spun around and hissed. Looking at me with a frown.

"Who are you?" He asked angrily.

I smiled to myself.

"I am Usagi, Guardian of Time. You are under arrest for causing the scales of equilibrium to tilt torwards the darkness." Andrew appeared next to me quietly. He activated his Evil Eye and looked at Orochimaru, who just began to laugh quietly.

"Arrest me? You are a mere child." He said smirking. I stopped time and went behind him, kicking him in the side, he slowly moved torwards the other pillar. I went to his otherside and kicked him the other way. I went ahead of him and punched him in the face, downwards. I stood infront of him with a smile. I let time go again. He coughed up blood, and glared at me.

"Such speed...but how long can you use it?" He asked with a smirk. I grinned.

"Forever." I said with a smile. But inside I knew I was bluffing, I knew I'd be a matter of minutes before I'd be coughing up blood. Andrew glanced at me from the corner of my eyes. He looked slightly worried. Sauske's match ended, and Kakashi went and took him away to seal the mark.

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