4-A Pointless Test

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Naruto Pov

I ended up eating some more ramen at Ichiraku's Ramen Shop, with the girl, who's name ment Rabbit? However I couldn't see why, the name didn't really suit her, she seemed so depressed... almost like Sauske, but when she talked or smiled, it sent around a kind feeling...and who was that girl she was with when I woke her up? Usagi ate one bowl of ramen and left, telling me that she would meet me at the training grounds soon. I nodded and left to the training grounds, wondering...who is Usagi?

Usagi's POV

I knew Kakashi would be late...so I decided I'm going to go walk around Konaha, to figure out the land scape...however...

"IM LOST!" I screamed pulling on my hair, after walking around aimlessly for about half an hour I just sighed and looked around. I seemed to be by a market place...a familiar black bowl haired man caught my eyes. I gasped, I silently squealed in my head... Careful not to wake Anna.

I slowly walked up to him. "Excuse me...Do you know where Team 7 is meeting up...I heard you know their leader...and that you are rivals with him." I said shyly... I was freaking out however on the inside. Guy (or Gai, but I'm going with Guy) looked down at me and smiled, his teeth shone a little.

"Do you mean Kakashi?! My rival?!" Guy asked, his eyes ablazed with fire, he was still smiling however. I nodded silently.

"GUY SENSEI! Who is this?" I heard a voice behind me. I let out an involuntary shreik and spun around throwing a punch. I could feel a hand holding my wrist. I looked up to see Lee. I quickly retracted my hand to my chest. I didn't even hear him there. That's bad...I can always hear everyone's footsteps...or feel them there.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to..." I stuttered out, afraid what would have happened if he were a real enemy...I would be dead.

'Bluey...' Anna whispered in my head, showing she was awake, her voice calming my anxiosness in seconds, but I could feel her worry.

Guy laughed, I spun back around to see him looking at me. "Quite a reflex you have there...now, you are looking for the training grounds? Why?" He asked, confused.

"I need to meet them there...but I got lost..." I said with a sigh, I could see Guy sweat drop.

"Lee! New mission! Help this young lady to find her team!" Guy said with a smile.

"Yes Sensei!" Lee yelled back, a slight smile made it's way to my face, I looked down but wipped my face as If it was dirty...a habit, I'm not supposed to show emotions...shows weakness, unless its to keep attention away from me.

Lee picked me up in bridal style suddenly and jumped away, on top of rooftops. I sighed and just looked around as he lept from buildng to building. "I'm sorry for frightening you before, I didn't think you'd have a reflex like that though...it caught me by surprise...do people sneak up on you alot?" He asked, I could hear some concern in his vocie, I held in a breath and looked down at my hands, then closed my eyes.

"None of your business...but thanks for careing..." I said quietly, but loud enough for him to hear.  

After a while of jumping and silence, which I belive was peaceful, he stopped. I opened my eyes and Lee placed me down. I saw Kakashi looking at me along with everyone else from team 7.

"SORRY GUYS! A woman's black cat got out and I had to go help her catch it...but being careful not to cross it's path...very hard." I said with a slightly forced close eyed smile, I am to tired to be happy. Even more so upset to know I have to sleep tonight. Kakashi looked at me and I could see him smiling behind his mask. "I swear...It was really hard...you try doing it while there are ladders everywhere..." I said sweat dropping and sighing depressed. I turned back around to see Lee was gone. "THANKS THEN LEE-KUN!" I yelled out to where I hoped he could hear me.

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