Surprise, Surprise

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  • Dedicated to Marcus Monsterkid Miller


Wow. It was him. The mystery guy from my pictures. He said he saw me in the club a while ago and asked Angel where I lived. Apparently Angel thought it was a good idea to give it to him. So he came to my house to see me. According to him, he's my brother. We were born a couple of months apart. He was hiding when they came that night. Childrens aid, I mean. He listened to the argument. He heard the shouts. He said I was hiding with him(our parents told us to so we wouldn't be taken away)but Mom screamed. I was afraid so I ran downstairs to see what happened. He told me Mom and Dad were devestated after that. I was their only little girl. He was never caught though. I asked him how he managed to figure out the city I lived in.

"I followed your criminal records Au-"

"My name is Crystal now." I said cutting him off.

He looked at me in astonishment. "You changed your name?" He asked. Then, after looking me over he said, "Piercings? A tattoo? And what's this..?" He was staring at my arm. 

I covered it. "It's nothing." I said. "And yes, I did change my name. It keeps me safe. And my piercings and tattoos are fine." I gave him a cold look.

He looked surprised. "The Au- I mean, the Crystal I knew was an Angel." He said. I couldn't help but smile. I don't remember ever being an angel. "The Crystal I knew loved her family. She had too much love in her. Enough to get her taken away from her family." He said quietly.

"Well, I don't think that Crystal will be back." I said. "And I never got your name. What is it?"

He smiled. "I'm Matthew. It feels like we're just learning to say our names again." His smile disappeared, as if something had upset him. I suddenly missed the smile.

He went to leave. "Wait," I said stopping him. "Stay. Tell me about our family. Do you have any pictures?"

He smiled. "I never leave home without them." He pulled out an expensive looking tablet. I was in awe. I'd never known anyone who had a tablet.

"I'll go get my photo album," I said tearing my eyes away from the tablet. I should at least show him pieces of my life now.

We spent hours just talking, showing each other pictures, and laughing over memories. Then I came to the picture of me and Izzy. The laughter died immediately. My brother looked at me worriedly.

"Who's that?" He asked.

"Izzy," I whispered. "My ex."

He looked mildly surprised that I dated a chick. It seemed he was more surprised that I was almost crying over her picture. "What happened between the two of you?" He asked.

"She told me I was cheating on her. She broke it off a couple weeks ago. I didn't know it was cheating at the moment. I was working on my dance." I had to stop talking to wipe a tear away.

Matthew suddenly reached over to me and pulled me close. It took me a moment to realise he was hugging me. I didn't usually get hugged. It was kind of new. 

I finally realised what I was supposed to doo and hugged him back. "It'll be ok," He whispered into my hair. And for a while I actually believed him.


So... Matthew showed up :D And she's learning about her childhood and family. Did you see a couple slip ups in there..? :/ We almost got her real name. By the end of the story we might have it. :) 

Comment and vote. I need you to tell me what you think!! I have completely given up on waiting for votes and comments though. When I wait, good ideas pass me by. Keep this in mind when you want to know more but you refuse to comment or vote.

Picture is Matthew.

Video is Surrender by Cheap Trick. It doesn't match the story at all but it was the only thing I could think of.

Hope you enjoyed :D


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