Family Reunion

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Dear Diary,


I get to meet my mom today. I can't wait. It's going to be fabulous! We're going to be surrounded by normal people. Normal families that don't have drug addicts among them. Who don't have to work as a Pole Dancer for a living. Who don't have depression.

I can't wait! I'd love to continue writing to you how amazing I feel about this but I have to go get the girls dressed and make sure Jake's awake and everything.

Bye for now<3

**Crystals POV**

I ran around the house making sure Fayth and Jake were getting ready.

"Fayth, hunny?" I shook her lightly. "You need to get up. We need to get you dressed for the party."

"Mmmnn.." She grumbled a bit before getting up. "Why do I have to?" She asked with a yawn.

"Don't you want to meet my mommy?" I asked her faking shock.

She perked up immediately. "YES!" She exclaimed with a huge smile.

"Well then, let's get you ready." I said with a laugh. I grabbed her dress and helped her get it over her head. "Now to zip you up.." I zipped up the zipper then wrappped her in a big hug while kissing her cheek. "What a pretty little girl!"

"EWWWIE!" Jake had snuck up on us. He was standing in the doorway laughing at our shocked expressions.

I got up, walked over to him, and smacked him on the shoulder. "Meanie." I said with a smile. "You're not supposed to sneak up on people."

"Can I surprise people?" He asked innocently.

"What kind of-" I was cut off when he kissed me suddenly and roughly.

He pulled away breathing hard. I stared at him in wonder.

"EWWWWIE!!" Fayth yelled.

I laughed. "Fayth, sometime you'll understand."

Jake smiled. "I'll go get dressed." He started to walk away.

"Bye babe." I made sure it sounded flirtacious. "See you when you look hotter than usual."

"Auntie Crystal.." I turned around to see Fayth holding up one of her nicest pairs of shoes. "Can I wear these today..?"

I smiled. "Yes you can." I walked over to help her get them on.

"And makeup?" She asked happily.

"Maybe a little." I answered. "No promises though."

"Okay!" She jumped up and down happily. Sometimes, I seriously don't get kids.


**30 minutes later**

I finally had everyone else perfectly dressed up. Now it was my turn. I turned to my closet and pulled out my simple yet beautiful dress.

I sighed happily. "Today's going to be amazing." I said to myself.

I didn't know how wrong I could be.

**Jake's POV**

"Crystal!" I yelled through the appartment. We were going to be late if she didn't hurry her sexy ass up. "Hurry the fuck up! We have to go!"

"What word does that mean Jakey?" I looked down to see Fayth pulling on my shirt.

"Uhh.. It's a bad word and you should never use it." I answered quickly.

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