47. Boy Bands

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I'M GONNA HOP RIGHT IN AND honestly say that there are a lot of things I don't care for nor about on Wattpad - especially when it comes to books. I don't care for boring sob stories, I don't care for unrealistic stories, I don't care for bland love stories, I don't care for colorless characters.

But these types of books put the icing on the cake. You know, the books that include some girl and some random boy band and their interactions and how she falls in love with some member in this group.

I've definitely read stories like this. I have read amazing stories that I would definitely recommend with this concept, and I have read some that I wouldn't recommend to my worst enemy. But, we're not here to talk about how good a story is written, we are here to talk about how clichés some stories are.

First of all, these stories are really unrealistic that it's pretty laughable.

And of course we have those typical cunts that arrogantly (and idiotically) comment that 95% of Wattpad books are fictional and they aren't meant to sound real, but let me tell you something..

I couldn't find you a fuck to give so. I don't care. Seriously. Shut up.

If I want to read a book, I at least want to read some shit that can be fiction, but it still makes sense. I'm not interested in some shit that SOUNDS fake, like teen fiction but 5sos pops out of a closet towards the end. So that shuts tHAT down.

Oh, before I actually start this, these stories typically are not fanfiction. Like they don't base on actual groups like 5SOS or whatever else is out rn. Well, at least not the ones I read. The ones I read have fictional groups. Not real groups. I've tried to look up a fictional Wattpad group before and got my feelings so hurt lmfao. Please don't fall for the mess guys.

So, these stories always start off one of two ways: the girl is at her job, or at a random food place. People have jobs, and despite how lazy people like to make themselves seem, people leave their houses. Shocking.

All of a sudden, this celebrity walks into wherever she is, but she doesn't know that it's a celebrity because:

1.) She is a complete idiot and hasn't heard of one of the "most popular bands out". Typical.

2.) He is wearing a really good disguise and some Darth Vader voice changer thingy. Don't know nor care.

I mean, she knows that some celebrity is in the city, but since she is emo, she claims that she doesn't know this person nor does she care about them, so she doesn't look them up.

She obviously doesn't think like me, because if a celebrity was coming into the city, I'm going to eVERY FACILITY to see if that person is there so I can make them fall in love with me and get all their money. I am openly a gold digger.

So you know what happens from then on - they for some reason have a chance meeting, and they fall in love in like 3 seconds, and he's super interested and he always goes to where she's working at and talks to her because she's the only one who treats him like a "human".


Like how fucking dumb can you get omg like have you seriously not looked at a tabloid or anything? WHY.

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