36. Wrinkly Teacher Dick

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AND THE FUCKING TAGS THESE ARE FACTS ORKEKDJSKS. i was so stressed when lee eun bi chose han yi ahn or whatever because i wanted her to end up with.. the other guy i was crying because i was literally frustrated.


AT THE SCHOOL I WENT TO, the teachers were some of the most annoying fuckers to ever walk planet earth. Plus, they were old and wrinkly and ugly. Not that I have anything against old and wrinkly and ugly people. I think old people are the cutest with their wrinkles and cutie-pie cheeks. But this isn't about old people.

This is about Teacher/Student relationships.

Of course, ya girl Mackenzie had her moments. And she still has moments of reading these stories. Yes, I still read them. I don't particularly like them like that, but they're interesting for when I'm bored.

But, when I read these stories, all I can think about are teachers at my school.

Teachers at my school were very annoying. Like, so annoying that it was borderline cliché classroom teachers annoying. I couldn't stand about 3 of my teachers and the other 2 were two of the best teachers I ever had.

But, we aren't here to talk about teacher's good points.

Maybe your school has MILFS or DILFS (my personal fave), but mine did not. I don't think I've ever seen a cute teacher and this is a fact.

'Kay, I'm gonna end this by saying this~


That is the craziest djjdjsej shit I have ever heard and I'm not even freaking kidding. This freaking happens all the time and these stories are popular and what the fuck.

.. notthatidontreadthemattimes

All the precautions you'd have to take, the idea of statutory rape.. It seems stressful as shit. Hell fuck no just have a regular relationship and be done with it you're welcome I helped ya.

Plus, when I read these stories, I think about the teachers at my school.

Remember? Old. Wrinkly. Annoying. Or ugly.

I also enjoy how they're never caught in the goddamn classroom. They typically have sex in the classroom, but are never caught. I mean, the classroom is a public place with windows everywhere so idk how people wouldn't see it.

I would hope that their school has freaking cameras and that people review them everyday for suspicious activity and things like that. Like there is literally not a day where the AV club doesn't look at our cameras for suspicious activity. Js.

Then, they're so fucking creepy.

"You need to be spanked." Fuck outta here, you're my teacher. Not my Dad. But I can call you Daddy if you're a dilf.

"Stay with me afterclass." When I did nothing? Lol no. Teachers would tell me to stay all the time but I never stayed because I'm not gonna be raped by a pervy teacher.


There was literally a 20 year old teacher in one of these stories. Are you fucking kidding. No. Maybe training, but no. That's impossible it doesn't happen so just no. Bye.

Finally, they always play hard to get but eventually fall for it. Wow, okay.

Listen, dude, I understand that you have a job and that you want to maintain that job, and that's respectable. I understand that you don't like to physically put your hands on students unless there is an altercation, and that is wonderful.

But if some little 16 year old girl tries to freaking come onto you, call the police. Call the goddamn police or they're gonna say you raped her because lord knows how that goes in the Legal System.

Even if you have to put your hands on her. I mean, do you want to give up your job over pussy? I hope not because that is sad and stupid. More stupid than sad.

Don't fall for her pre-pubescent body. In High School, the glo up hasn't even started. She looks 12, so you shouldn't sleep with her because 12 year olds are very young and very underage and vERY STATUTORY RAPE.

And in stories, her defense (if she is a senior) is that "I'm 18 and it's completely consensual". Shut the fuck up is your brain filled with mustard calm down.

Let me explain something: you can be fucking 20 in High School. Not only is it freaking illegal to sleep with a minor (that's not the only reason teachers go to jail for this i swear), but it's also illegal to sleep with a teacher if you're a student.

Don't be dumb guys please don't it's crazy it's insanity.



So Wattpad has my book on Mature. I mean, I know I'm vulgar but for Wattpad to have my book on Mature by their personal request? Yay.

YOO WATTPAD HAS YET TO SOLVE MY PROBLEM LIKE IM GETTING VERY UPSET. I reported to the same person both times like I understand I'm not the only person with a problem but why have all these goddamn ambassadors if you're not gonna use them. What is the point?

Solve my goddamn problem or we are gonna have a problem Wattpad like I understand you're busy but don't just tell me that other people have this problem and nOT FUCKING SOLVE MY GODDAMN PROBLEM

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