Chapter 30: Split.

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Huehuehue.....last chapper.......huehuehue.

I felt evil today, so I wanted to make the last chapper 😈😈😈😈😈

Aphmau's POV

Liam and I charged up to the gates of Phoenix Drop to have to gate immediately rise at our arrival and was met by an emotionless Aaron.

"Aaron! You'll never believe what happe- wait, where's Garroth? Wasn't he on wa-" I started off, getting more confused as I went along with my chatter before Aaron interrupted me.

"Garroth went in search of you. He hasn't returned." His tone was the coldness you'd expect from an iceburg.

My heart dropped down to my stomach.

"W-What city was he g-going towards?" I asked, nervous for his safety.

Aaron answered with cold eyes the bored into my soul with a touch of sympathy.


Laurance's POV

I slowly trudged over towards the direction of the sea and saw the wall from where I was standing.

Perhaps I could sneak back in and go back towards the guard tower.....if no one's heard of my betryal yet, everything will be alright, right?.

A small smile graced my features as I gained a new-found hope through that thought. I started walking towards the wall, my goal plain for all to see.

It's gonna be okay....

And what if it isn't gonna be okay?

Then the blood of the people I once called my friends and held so dear will be splattered carelessly upon the ground in a horrible slaughter of my raw emotions.


I know, right?

I smirked as I realized I was talking to myself in my head.

I'm going crazy......

I slowed my pace towards the wall as I thought of something vital that might stand in the way of my mission.

There might be an alliance to strike me down.... In the mist of everything else, this will probably going happen.

What would it be called?

The KLA?



I smirked at my silly thoughts and picked up my pace towards the wall again.

Aphmau's POV

I trembled after recieving the news.

"W-What?" I whispered weakly, attempting to hold in my tears in, but failing as one silently slid from my eye and traveled it's way down my cheek.

Aaron nodded to confirm what he had said earlier, and disappeared into the nearby shadows.

My heart felt like a piece was broken off, and Garroth held that piece tightly within his grasp.

In a rush of raw emotions, I turned over to Liam as I let all of my tears spill from my eyes.

He quickly embraced me, attempting to comfort me by stroking my hair softly.

I cried harder as I realised that no one could comfort me like Garroth.....

No one.....

I'm all alone now...

I cried and cried until I couldn't cry anymore. My eyes had dried up from spilling too many tears.

I slowly backed out of Liam's embrace and looked up into his eyes shyly.

"T-thank you f-for letting m-me let m-my e-e-emotions out...." I said quietly and tears glistened in my eyes again, but this time I blinked them away, not allowing them to be spilt from my eyes.

"It was no problem m'lady, but it sounds like you have more important matters to attend to. I'll ask someone around town for a tour later. Go deal with what you must." Liam replied with a small smile. I gently returned his smile.

"Thanks Liam, you're a great friend to have." I said as I turned and walked off towards my house.

Liam's POV



She leaves me no choice.....


I have to kill Garroth.

Garroth's POV

I awoke to a loud familiar voice echoing throughout the dungon I was in.

Wait, dungon?!

I slowly opened my eyes to see a dark figure standing in front of me.

The figure laughed when he realised I was awake.

"Welcome home.....


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