Training: Part 2

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Heyo! Told you Kittenz I would be updating twice today! I might update a third time to make up for my inactivity. ON WITH THE STORY!

Aphmau's POV
I was on the second floor of the guard tower, searching for Garroth. We made a game out of training. It was kind of like hide-n-seek, but different. Different because instead of switching roles right when you find someone, you had to beat the person you found in a fight, and the loser was the new seeker. It was my turn to find Garroth, and I was bent on beating find once I, you know, actually FIND HIM! He was a REALLY good hider. I was looking under the couch when someone cleared their throat behind me, obviously trying to get my attention. I got up and spin on my heels to face them. It was Garroth, holding his sword, ready to swing at me. He wouldn't though, I didn't have my weapon drawn. However, real opponents wouldn't wait, nor would they try to get my attention before attacking.
"Garroth, can we train as if it was an actual fighting scenario?" He smiled brightly down at me as he lowered his weapon, leaving him unguarded.
"Sure thi-" I cut him off by pushing him agaist the wall with an extra dragger to his neck. He looked at me with confusion and worry in his eyes. I quickly put down the weapon and backed away.
"Good, you failed." I said, a smirk appearing on my face. He chuckled.
"No I didn't, I have you right where I want to." he said evilly. I looked at him in shock, seeing I was caught off guard, he quickly starting tickling my stomach. I immediately burst out laughing, falling down to the floor on my back. He followed me so he didn't have to stop tickling me, and somehow ended up on top of me. He immediately stopped tickled me and started to get up, blushing like crazy I was blushing too, but I discretely grabbed his wrist and yanked him back down on top of my, smirking. I flipped him over easily and positioned myself above him. I stayed there for a couple of seconds before I finally got up and outstretched a hand to Garroth.
"Ha! Your too easy!" I said. He blushed like mad,
"O-only because I-........" he stopped in midsentence.
"You.....what Garroth?" I questioned.
"I love you." He stated, staring into my eyes with his ocean blue ones.
"Well, I guess your in luck." I replied, not breaking eye contact.
"Wha-" I cut him off by pressing my lips against his. He melted into the kiss as I melted into the embrace he was now holding me in. Someone cleared their throat behind us, breaking the kiss we were sharing.
"I came to remind you of the dinner you are attending with me later, Lord Aphmau." Laurance said loudly, glaring at Garroth.
"O-okay." I said, acting it up,
"Good, continue with your 'training' Aphmau." he said coldly as he walked out.
"Wow." Garroth said as soon as Laurance was out of earshot.
"I got frost bite just WATCHING the glare he gave you!" he chuckled at my remark.
"Well, he did say to continue our 'training'" Garroth said, using his fingers to make air quotation marks.
"Well continue we shall." I say, pressing my lips to his the second I finish the sentence. This might not be such a bad day after all.

Hey mah kittenz! It's a little short, but I'm updating it again, a short chapter next time, basically a filler, but that's better than nothing, right?! Later mah kittenz! Nya~

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