Chapter 27: A Plan. The Plan. The Only Plan.

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Hey mah kittenz!!! I have a direct route of where I want this book to go, and once this is publishes, tgere are only 3 more chappers left! Don't forget to start saying your tearful goodbyes, because after I publish the final chapper of the book, I am going to wait 2 WEEKS before I start up the Sequel. I have big plans, and thanks for the almost 30k reads!!! I luv u all!!!
On with your story!!!

Liam's POV

I had stepped inside of Lord Aphmau's cell and taken the end of her restraints from the floor, and was holding them in my hands. She looked at me hopefully.
"Do you really think this will work?" I asked, doubtful in Aphmau's plan to freedom.
"Positive." Aphmau replied, her eyes now shining in trust. I sighed and started to walk out of the cell, Dragging Aphmau along behind me. We walked through the empty halls, Her chains rattling to disrupt the silence that had once lay heavy in the air. Two ordinary castle guards passed by us, not even sneaking a glance to question who I was. The truth is, I sneak out prisoners all of the time, and now that they've seen me, they'll create a diversion to help the prisoner escape. I've had everything planned for a double escape, but never had a use for the plan til now. A loud yell rang through the halls to get someone to alert The High Priest, Zane.

"A prisoner has broken out of his cell, get backup!!!" a random guard shouted.

"Um, are they onto us?" Aphmau whispered quietly, but still making sure I could hear her.

"No, this is a part of my personal plan." I responded, just as quietly. We keep walking away from the shouting until we could no longer hear it ringing through the halls, and we soon approached the main entrance. The guards. Glanced our way and nodded once, knowing exactly what I was doing. Me and Lord Aphmau walked through the doors and walked straight through the village, heading towards the woods that stood waiting outside for our escape.

Aphmau's POV

At least Liam knows what he's doing. I, on the other hand, have absolutely NO idea what the frig I'm doing! I just hope I can see Garroth soon, because I think I may need another serious 'training session' wink wink. Liam just took me through the main gates and MAN they are HUGE!!!!! He started walking over behind the trees, and once we were concealed by the foliage (A/N AIM FOR THE TREES!!! FOLIAGE IS YOUR FRIEND!!! ~Deadpool) he unlocked the chains and I rubbed my red wrists to get rid of the pain faster. Liam and I looked each other in the eyes, and ran deeper into the woods, side by side.

Garroth's POV

I laid down on the bottom of the boat, the waves and my thoughts lulling me slowly to sleep. I took one last look at the stone, and it was very slowly glowing brighter. I closed my eyes to rest as a thought clouded my brain.

Her knight is coming.

I know it's a short chapper, but this is one of the final ones! Be prepared for the end! Luv u kittenz!!! Baiz!!!

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