Chapter 7: dancing

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Aphmau's POV

He asked me to dance!

"Of course Garroth! I would be delighted to!" Wow, he was sweating bullets! I wonder if he's nervous...
As he lead me out towards the center of the dance floor I asked him.

"Garroth, are you nervous?" I asked softly, curiosly peering into his eyes.

"N-no, why do you ask?" He replied, avoiding my gaze.

"Oh, just the fact that your sweating bullets over there." I said smirking.

He shook his head and rolled his eyes playfully.

His beautiful light and crystal blue eyes.


Doesn't Garroth have ocean blue eyes? Something has to be wrong. But what?

I thought as a slow song came on.

"EVERYONE GRAB THEIR LOVERS AND COME ON DOWN!" The DJ yelled at the criwd enthusiasticly.

Garroth looked at me, smiled, and placed his hands on my waist as I put my forearms on his shoulders.

I looked up into his eyes again.

This time, when I saw them it almost seemed like the two different blues battling for dominance.

But when he returned my gaze It was clear the Crystal blue had won.


"What are you looking at?" Garroth asked, his eyes lighting up.

"The color of your eyes." I blurted out.
I looked down ashamed to have said that.

Surely I was blushing by now.

He lifted my chin so I could look into his eyes again. They were still crystal.


"Yes Aphmau?"

"Why are your eyes a different color?"

"What color are they?" He asked calmly.

How is he so calm?

"They are an enchanting crystal blue." I said while blushing in embarrassment.


He chuckled as I continued blushing furiously.

"Not FUNNY Garroth!" I said angrily with a slight pout gracing my facial features.

"It is to me..." he whispered huskily into my ear, his hit breath hitting the inside of my ear.

"I-I...." I was at a loss of words.

His voice in my ear made me go weak in the knees. Why is he acting like this though?

He suddenly fell to the ground.

"G-GARROTH!" I shrieked in surprise.

He groaned and slowly sat up rubbing his forehead.

I rushed to his side, (like I wasn't already) my face being millimeters away from his. If one of us made a sudden move, we would be kissing.

"A-Aphmau? W-why are w-we s-so c-close?!" I slowly backed up a little.

"I'm sorry if im too close Garroth, just remember though, you were the one who kissed me first." I said quietly, feeling ashamed fir some reason about the two kisses we've shared.

I got up and sighed. It seems he had no recollection of what had happened.

Tears were starting to fall onto my cheeks. I turned around to find none other than.....Laurance.


Garroth's POV

I woke up on the dance floor with Aphmau's face mere millimeters from mine!

Why was she so close?

What was going on?

I wondered that as I looked up to see APHMAU KISSING LAURANCE!



I abruptly stood up, startling the two lovebirds away from their kiss, blindly stumbled out of the door and into oncoming traffic.

I saw a two bright flashes of light coming towards me. I let out a scream of agony as pain consumed my entire being, and I quickly fell into a void of darkness.

Kinda short, but lots of emotions! Leave a vote and a comment in your mist, informing me of your thoughts as you read this chapper. 'Til next update, I dare say! 💜


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