Chapter 19: The newcomers?

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Chappie 19 already? Anywho, imma try to make this longer than usual, so enjoy! Nya~ ON WITH THE STORY!

Kitten's POV

Me and Rose where heading in the general direction of Phoenix Drop. When we finally realized we went the wrong way. We saw a village nearby and mutually agreed to go towards it. You see, me and Rose have been besties ever since We were 12. Basically, we have been friend for 9 years, almost everyone we meet is 21, like us. Weird. We silently approached a guard near a large gate.
"Hm? Oh, h-hello, m-m-my name is c-cloud, g-guard of n-new Meteli, w-who goes t-there?" He said shyly. This was exactly the kinda guy Rose would go for. I glaced over at her and confirmed my suspicion. She was looking at him nervously, the palms of her hands slightly sweaty.
"Hi!" I said brightly, trying to get Roses attention off of poor Cloud and onto me. It worked.
"Um, my name is Kitten, and this here is Rose." I said, pointing to the lovestruck idiot next to me.
"W-we would like to know which direction Phoenix D-Drop is." Said Rose. Hey, at least she was talking to him. I already had a ship name. Roud. Yup. He smiled shyly at us, pointing in the way we just came.
"That way, they have a huge gate, just stay on the path, can't miss it." he said, almost whispering. I smiled sweetly at him.
"Thanks!" I grabbed Roses hand and started to walk off when she ripped her hand from mine. She walked over to Cloud and put her hand out fir him to shake. He carefully accepted her hand, got on one knee and kissed the back her hand.
"N-nice to meet you, see you soon, I hope." Rose said quietly. He quickly rose to his feet and was blushing slightly, but you could only tell that if you were paying attention.
"Yup, see y-you soon." he aaud quickly, turning away. Rose sighed and walked back over to me. We started to walk in the direction he pointed us in, following the path. As soon as we were out of Cloud's earshot, I had to say it.
"You like him..." I said in a sing-song voice. She blushed a deep scarlet.
"Shut up." I vaguely heard her mumble. I giggled and we continued walking the long road to Phoenix Drop.

Garroth's POV

Now that we were actually training, she was getting better at handling herself without weapons.
"Alright, turn around." I said in a commanding voice. She obediently turned around, taking a deep breath with her as she did. She slowly exhaled and waited. I charged at her and she heard me, swooping to the side and making me stumble a little. She didn't wait for me to regain my balence before she went and kicked me legs out from underneath me, causing me to fall to the floor, face first. I slowly got up, impressed of how good she did against me. I quickly turned towards her and swung my fist at her face. She easily caught it and twisted my arm and pinned my arm against my back. She quickly grabbed the other one and pinned it too. She also moved her legs so they were on the right side of me, so I wouldn't try to kick her 'there'. She was panting slightly, but trying not to let me know how hard she was working. I smirked and used tgat to my advantage.
"Want a break?" I asked. She nodded slightly.
"Let me go I said, a smirk that I couldn't hold in quickly moving onto my face before disappearing. Aphmau saw this and shook her head.
"I don't think so." She said confidently. I smiled.
"Good girl." I said a devious smile on my face. She scowled at me before she twisted my arm some more.
"OUCH! Aph....." I said pouting and looking into her eyes.
"Nope." she said, popping the 'p' and looking away.
"Come on, It's 4:30, you need to get ready for your dinner with Laurance." she scowled at my words and let me go.
"Fine, bye Garroth." she said, her eyes looking into mine softly. She quickly pecked my cheek while I stayed still, shocked.
"Thanks for the training, and don't forget rule number 7." she said teasingly. She walked out the door, and I remembered what rule number 7 was. Never show anyone your weakness. And I just showed her mine.

Aphmau's POV
I walked out of the guard tower thing and had started to walk home when Dante came up to me. Wasn't he on gate guarding duty?
"What is it Dante?" I asked him.
"There is two suspicious looking people at the gate, saying they have an invitation. They wish to speak with the lord," he gestures to me. "And Garroth, they used his first name, as if they know him. I personally request yours and Garroth's pressence m'lady." He said, not once taking a break in his sentence to stop for breath.
"Alright, let's go and get Garroth then." I said reluctantly.
"But we must make this quick." I said hurridly. He nodded once showing he understood, then started speed walking to the old guard tower. I hurried to catch up with him, seeing as I am nowhere near as fast as he is. We went into the guard tower, not seeing anything on the main floor. We walked upstairs and Dante knocked on Garroth's bedroon door. We heard a shuffle of things moving, then the door opened to reveal a Garroth with kinda messed up hair. I giggled slightly as he looked at us.
"Yes?" was all he said. Dante cleared his throat to get Garroth's attention off of me, which he did thankfully, and spoke.
"Someone is at the gates, requesting yours and m'ladys presence. They say they have an invitation." Garroth's eyes widened slightly in recognition and he nodded.
"Let's go, I think I know who they are." he replied. We all walked out of the old guard tower and started jogging lightly to the gates. We reached the gates and were greeted by a girl with blond hair and a girl with rainbow hair. They were both dressed as assasins would, but not as theives. They didn't have any item of cloth covering their mouths, but they wore dark colors. The girl with the Blonde hair as wearing a very dark green form fitting suit, while the one with rainbow hair wore a midnight blue suit, also very form fitting. Garroth's eyes confirmed that he had seen them before, and the Blondie was the first one to speak.
"So, welcome to Phoenix Drop, right?" she questioned, smirking.
"Yup." Garroth replied, thanking them with his eyes. I broke the moment the three seemed to be sharing.
"Um, who are you again?" I asked cautiously. The blondie raised a perfect eyebrow of the only eye we could see, thanks to her long bangs covering the eye on her right.
"Right, My name is Kitten, and this here is Rose." she said, pointing to the rainbow hair girl next to her.
"You said you had an invitation, correct?" I questioned, trying to figure out why they were here. She nodded once , locking eyes with Garroth.
"Yes, that is, if his offer still stands." she said gesturing towards Garroth.
"Of course, here to visit, or to stay permanently?" Garroth said eagerly. I was still very confused as to what was going on.
"Um, permanently, duh?" she said suprised that he would even ask.
"Alright, Dante, open the gate." Garroth commanded. Dante shrugged and pulled the lever to open then gate. The girls walked in, their faces showing expressions of awe.
"Welcome to Phoenix Drop." I said, smiling at them warmly.

Hey mah kittenz! The next chapter I do is when Aphmau goes on a date with the devil. Literally, but she has a little help.....Nya!~ I'm so not tell you. Bai mah kittenz! Nya~

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