Chapter 22: Tricked

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Hey mah kittenz!!! Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I would tell you why, but I'm sure you kittenz just want to read, right? ON WITH THE STORY!!!!!!

Aaron's POV
I saw Zane dragging Aphmau into the trees, towards the ocean, where a ship was possibly waiting. It pained me to see Aphmau go limp in Zane's arms. It's what has to be done, it's a part of your mission. Luckily, Zane hadn't taken the gemstone Garroth gave to her earlier. She still doesn't know that it's a tracking device. It has to be this way, if she knew that it was a tracking device, she would've told them. I continued to watch Laurance from the shadows. He had his eyes closed, as if he was pained by the actions he had just procceded to do.
"Aaron, I know you're there, you can come out now!" He yelled, the pain in his heart evident in his voice. I didn't move from the shadows. I stayed silent.
"Please Aaron....." He said, his voice breaking. I still wouldn't move. I wouldn't utter a single word. He deserved this for what he did to Aphmau. He fell down to his knees, losing control of his emotions and sobbing loudly. I could watch him sit there and cry all day. But I won't. I silently dashed through the trees, making my way back to Pheonix Drop. Zane. Will. Pay.

Garroth's POV

Why did they go into the forest? Where did they go? Why did I let Dante distract me? These thoughts ran amuck through my head as I anxiously guarded the gate, pacing as I did. Aaron suddenly ran up to the gate, and I panicked.
"W-Wha- Aaron?" I asked, confusion seeping into my emotions. I watched as he realized that I was going to open the gate right away, and he started climbing the gate. He hopped over the top and landed next to where I was standing with a grunt.
"Aaron, how did yo-"
"No time to explain, Aphmau's in trouble." My world went crashing down in a instant.
"Take this." He said, shoving a gemstone in my hand.
"It'll glow as you get closer to her." He explained roughly. He quickly pulled down the lever and shoved me outside the gate, then closed it.
"Find her Garroth!" He ordered. Don't need to tell me twice! I ran off into the forest, watching the gemstone as I did.
I'm going to find Aphmau, even if it's the last thing I do.

Zoey's POV
Where is Aphmau? I breifly wondered before thinking about her job as a Lord. Maybe she's just doing her daily rounds? I doubt it. She was supposed to be back an hour ago, and Donna came to visit Levin and Malachi, and to bring us cookies. She had said earlier that Laurance hadn't been seen either. What happened?
"Auntie Zoey?" I heard Levin say.
"Yes Levin?"
"I tink I did somtin wong....." I sighed. Oh my Irene, what's he gotten into now? I walked upstairs into the kitchen where I had left Levin and Malachi to eat when I went downstairs to grab something. Malachi was giggling and Levin's eyes where huge. The kitchen was covered in purple goo. I sighed and closed my eyes. Oh. My. Irene. Why me? I walked over to the cabnet to the cleaning supplies. This was going to be a long day.

Aphmau's POV
Cold hands........white cloth.......Laurance.......Date..........Zane........TRICKED. My eyes jolted open to be greeted by the sight of Zane over in a darkened corner. Darkness seems to go with him wherever he goes, doesn't it? I pondered to myself. He looked over at me, and saw that I was awake. I felt a gentle rocking from underneath me. Am I on a ship?
"W-where are we g-going?" I inquired groggily.
"Okasis." Zane replied with a smirk.
"Sleeping beauty has to sleep again." He said, slowly strolling over to where I was. Not again. I tried to put my hands out to stop him from coming any closer, but soon realized that I couldn't because my hands were tied behind me. He came within range, so I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. He kneeled down in pain and weakly signald two gaurds to come in and do something. The gaurds came in and immediatly rushed over to me and put the cloth on my nose and mouth, making me breath in the chemicals. I quickly closed my eyes, the feeling of falling into pitch blackness overwhelming my senses. Tricked again.

Hey mah kittenz!!! I will be updating again tomorrow or possibly later today. Leave a little star and and comment please!!! Also, I've been wondering if I should make a FNAF finfic, should I? Please comment if I should or not! Bai mah kittenz!!!!! 💜

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