Day 40

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John: So, It's the last day at Dance Camp, and I can speak for all of us to say, we're sad. We've all had so much fun here.


I walk into Studio A, early for our final practice, and I grow astonished. Hazel and Hunter are kissing. I'm frozen. How long has this been going on? I wasn't there for Hazel, and I feel bad. I've been too worried about my problems and my love life, I didn't see one of my best friends had gotten a boyfriend. They stop as soon as I step back, a floor board creaking, and Hazel looks at me,

"Harper?" She's red faced and so is Hunter. I try to say something, but she exclaims,

"Please don't tell anyone! No one knows!" I squeal and hug her, her filling with relief. I exclaim,

"How long has this been happening!?" She smiles, hunter pulling her into a hug. She smiles,

"A day after Hunter came here. We've been spending a lot of time with each other and we actually went to grade school together." They look so happy. I'm happy for them, but I feel like an awful friend.


Everyone's stretching, and I can't help but look at Hazel and Hunter, looking at peace with one another from across the room. Suddenly, West, James, Giselle, and a couple others surround me, pushing Daniel and Theo in with them. West asks,

"So, who's it gonna be?" I gulp, surprised and confused.

I look at Theo. He's red faced and his eyes are wide in terror. West waits for me to answer, and Theo shakes his head at me as if to say "Don't answer!" I look at Daniel, and he seems calm, as if he knows I'm going to pick him. Something on his smug face looks wrong, though. Off. I look at West, and cross my arms. I exclaim calmly,

"Look, you can't make me choose. You aren't the boss of my love life. I will choose when I want to choose, and when I do, I won't announce it to the whole studio during practice like you want me to. So don't pressure me." It feels weird acting like this towards West. I feel bad, mean. I don't mean to be rude, but I need to stand up to him. West smiles and backs off, as If this is what he wants.

West: I'm smiling because I think it's good Harper is standing up to me. Sure, I want her to choose, but her standing up for her self is great.


We're practicing for tonight, the final performance, and Daniel keeps looking at me, but I don't look back. When Michelle gives us a break, I walk over to Theo, wanting to talk to him. West, Giselle, and Daniel's eyes all following me. West whispers to Daniel,

"Sorry, Daniel, I think she like Theo." Daniel looks kind of hurt, and I feel bad. But it's Theo I like. I guess they figured that out now.



West steps up and starts to talk to everyone. The whole Lost and Found crew is here, and B troupe. They all stand around the walls of the room, smiling. Westspeaks,

"These guys have worked so hard, and we truly enjoyed our time with them. We've grown as a team, and as friends. So, without further ado, here is the Next Step and Lost and Found's dance."

He steps back into position, and the music starts. We all take our positions, and before we start, I look at Theo, and he gives me a wink. I look at Daniel and he gives me a nod with a smile. I take a deep breath and we start.

the dance was amazing. We all did our best and the ground loved it as well. When Daniel lifted me up into a airplane lift, I felt free, I felt great. When I was dancing, I didn't think about my stress, or my music, or the decision between Daniel and Theo. I just danced. It felt amazing.  

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