Day 4

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I walk into the recording room and see Harley on the control panel. She was moving an occasional monitor up or down or pushing a certain button or putting on or off headphones. I knock on the doorframe and she smiled.

"I didn't know you worked here too?" I say, trying to start a conversation. She smiles.

"yeah, well, Luke hired me." She sort of laughs.

"Ha well I think he wants to see his girlfriend more." She laughs.

"is that why you work here, too?" I'm taken aback by this. I sit down,

"what do you mean?" I'm starting to get confused and suspicious.

"Ya know, I thought you and Theo..." I blush and sheepishly shake my head.

"oh, goodness, no. He doesn't even know my name." Harley looks confused now.

"huh, but you guys talk all the time...?" I nod.

"yeah, but for some reason he said he wanted to wait before he knew my name...whatever that means."

"i think he was just trying to be mysterious." Her eyebrow raises and she wiggles it up and down teasingly. I laugh, turning my head to look at him shredding the bass. He looks up and winks at me. Harley nudges me, and I roll my eyes, laughing.


|Harley and Luke at The Junction|


Luke: I'm sitting here with Harley, and we're both staring at Theo and Harp not getting anywhere with life but siting at a table laughing and flirting. Ugh these two. So, we decide it's time to finally do something about it.

*At table*

"You ready?" Luke says to Harley as he rubs his hands in an evil way. Harley nods.

"Let's do this. Operation 'Sailing-Tharper' is a go." They both stand up from their chairs and walk over to the two. Luke grabs Theo's arm and Harley does the same with Harper.

"c'mon, Harper, I need to ask you something." She drags Harper out of The Junction, and outside.

"Walk with me." Luke says with a threatening tone.

"Um, okay...but wh-" Luke sits him down at a table.

"i was wondering if you wanted to come to dinner with me and Harley tonight."

"it's actually 'Harley and i' but-" Luke slams his fists on the table.

"Did I ask for a grammar teacher?"

"Dude, what's wrong with you?" Theo asks. John walks by,

"That's how he is when e's trying to motivate you to do something. Trust me, I know." Luke inches closer to Theo, eyes strict.

"Okay! Fine! Fine! I'll go!" Luke smiles sweetly.

"Great! Meet me here around seven and we'll take the Mutt Cracker." And just like that. he was off. Meanwhile, Harley tried the same tactics with Harper.


"Okay! Fine!" I said against my own will. Why was Harley doing this?

"Yay! Meet me at Next Step around Seven and we'll take my car!" And then, she vanished. Huh. That was scary.

Well, I might as well head home to start getting ready.

It felt kind of fishy, though. Why would I go on a date with Luke and Harley? I was going to be a third wheel! well, at least I have something to do tonight instead of Netflix and icecream. Maybe i'll even try to look nice.

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