Day 36 (P.2)

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Harper: I need to talk to Theo. Soon. Like now.

Theo: I've been noticing Daniel and Harper becoming really close lately...I hope she doesn't like him...

West, Daniel, Theo, Giselle, Harley, Luke, John, and Michelle are all crowded in a circle, talking. I decide to join them, and they greet me, Theo trying to stand by me. I guess that's good, but the look on Giselle's face threatens me.

"Hey, Harper." Theo says as he stand by me, and takes my hand. West looks at him suspiciously and tries to confirm something by asking,

"So, how are the two lovebirds doing?" Oh,no. West! Why! Daniel looks confused until west adds, "Eh, Daniel?" Theo becomes pale and I want to puke. Harley and Luke slowly back away, making up an excuse, and I really wish Hazel was here. But she's no where to be seen. Neither is Hunter.

"What are you talking about?" Theo asks, squeezing my hand a little too hardly. He is still pale, and I'm starting to get nervous. West laughs, and Daniel buries his face in his hands. West exclaims,

"C'mon, you know Daniel and Harper are cute together, dude." Giselle looks smug and John and Michelle are frozen. I look at the ground, scared to death.

Daniel: Harper is acting super weird. I don't know why, I thought we had something.

"No way, dude." Theo says calmly, and West is now confused.

"What do you mean?" Daniel is now pale and antsy, me Giselle looks mad. Theo says as polite as he can,

"Harper and I are together." West looks confused and Giselle looks like she knows something. She crosses her arms, smirking. She look at me, and then Theo.

"Yes, but Theo never officially asked her to be his girlfriend." It's true. But...

"Great, so you all aren't together." West smiles and Theo looks like he's just been run over. He shakes his head at Giselle and John starts to say something when West puts a hand on John's chest and slightly pushes him back.

Harper: That was just uncalled for. He can't do that to John.
"Okay, so Harper gets to decide. Theo," West points a finger at Theo. "Or Daniel." He motions his hand at Daniel. They both look pale and broken, and my stomach turns. I look at everyone, their eyes staring at me.

Giselle, gives me a threatening glare, West has a mysterious look in his stare, Michelle looks at me innocently, and so does John, except he looks mad. But he's not mad at me. Daniel has a pleading look in his eye, and I can't even look at Theo. I don't want to see what he's feeling.

I don't want to decide. I push through everyone and bolt to Squeezed, trying to find Hazel. I need to talk to her, and for some odd reason I know she's here.

I stumble in, and see her and Hinter talking. I smile. Seeing them talk makes me feel good, amidst my problems. Though, I pass them up once I see Hazel's busy, and run to Studio B.

I sit on the ground, and think. I think hard. Why are they making me decide? I don't want to decide. I came here for Dance Camp. I don't care about who I'm going to be with. They're making me decide something so quickly, without even knowing anything.

But. I know I'll have to make a decision in the end.

But who?

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