Day 36

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West: So, I walk into Studio A before practice to rehearse and really just get practice some new moves. But when I see Daniel and Harper dancing together, I can't help but stop and watch.


We got here early at practice because we wanted to practice our duet. we're practicing our lift right now. Daniel lifts me up and spins me around in the air. My hair falls around my face and Daniel starts to descend me towards him. Our faces our inches a part. I have this feeling in my stomach, and I try not to hide my fear. And It's not a fear of the lift.

West: C'mon, tell me you don't ship these two?!

Harper: I wasn't scared of the lift, I was scared that Daniel might kiss me. When Daniel pulls me down to him during the lift, I felt guilty. I needed to find Theo. I needed to talk to him.


So, all of us are stretching and getting ready for practice. I find Theo and he's talking to Giselle. I start to walk over to him when West comes up to me, huge smile on his face.

"So, I saw you two lovebirds today in practice." West smiles and nods over to Daniel in the corner, and Daniel is smiling at me. I sheepishly smile back, but I feel a nauseas pit in my stomach. I like Daniel, but I miss Theo. A lot.

I'm just about to go walk over to Theo when someone walks in, causing everyone to burst into greetings. Well, all of the dancers. The Lost and Found members all just stand in a clump, puzzled. I inch over to Theo and say,

"hey, I need to talk to you." He starts to reply when Michelle exclaims to everyone,

"Guys, this is Hunter. He's a returning a-Troupe member." We all finally get a glimpse of this Hunter Guy. He's shorter, handsome, light brown hair, dimples, innocent eyes. He seems a little shy.

Hazel now stands by me, and she looks in awe. She smiles wide and her eyes sparkle. I can see them together. After a while, Michelle says,

"Okay, you guys can start working on your duets!" I smile sheepishly at a Theo and walk over to Daniel.

Daniel and I practice hard, and our duet is far past ready for tomorrow. We finish our last few sets and then take a break, Daniel and I walking over to Hunter and West.

"Hunter! Long time no see!" Daniel exclaims, patting Hunter on the back. I smile and Hunter smiles back. It's a little awkward, but West breaks it up.

"So, how is your guys duet going?" West asks Daniel and I as he looks at me and winks. I roll my eyes, and Daniel doesn't suspect anything. Daniel exclaims,

"It's going great!" He puts his arm around me and suddenly I tense up, but I try not to act like something is wrong by laughing. I turn my head and see Theo and Giselle finishing up. I scratch the back of my head and excuse myself from thaws boys,

"Um, I'll be right back." I smile and walk away, Daniel a little confused. West widens his eyes and tries to look away, keeping himself from laughing.

West: So, I've figured it out. Daniel likes Harper, but Harper is playing hard to get. Man, I love these two.

"Hey, Theo, can I talk to you?" I ask, and he nods, smiling. Giselle sort of looks uncomfortable and walks away, arms crossed. Theo asks,

"What's wrong?" I start to speak, not wanting to look him in the eyes, but Luke and a couple other rush up to us, exclaiming,

"Guys! Watch this!" Luke steps back and Maggie, Leia, James , Harley, and John start to clap. Luke take a deep breath, and then does a back flip. He barely makes the landing, but he manages to land on his feet.

We all burst into applause and John and James hoot and Holler. Theo exclaims something I can't make out, and then next thing I know, I'm walking to Squeezed with Hazel. I didn't even get to talk to Theo.

"So," Hazel says, and I barely hear her as I'm watching Theo, Luke, and Giselle all talk at the table next to us. I snap back to reality and exclaim,

"So.." Hazel smiles and says,

"What's wrong?" I don't feel like talking about it with Theo and Giselle so close to us, so I shake my head and change the subject,

"Nothing. Let's talk about something else..." I smile at Hazel suspiciously and exclaim, "Hunter." Hazel blushes and I burst,

" I knew it! You like him!"

Hazel: I do like Hunter, but I don't want anyone to know. There's already enough going on in my life right now.

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