Day 3 (P.2)

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Harper: So, I decide to take Luke's advice and do my song for open mic. I think it will be a great first impression of myself for everyone.


"Who wants to go first for open mic?" Mr. T asks with his usual strict face. I hesitate to raise my hand.

I look over at Luke and he's mouthing, "Go now!" I shake my head. He repeats, "Go Now or I'll kill you!" Yup, that was Luke for you. I gulp and look at him, plead in my eyes. I finally give up and raise my hand, he cracks into a smile, clapping his hands. John looks confused. Probably because I'm usually not this out going. I see Harley come up behind Luke. He puts his arm around her and they smile.

I look over at Theo, trying to calm myself. He smiles and gives me kind and uplifting thumbs up. For some reason, this makes me soar with electricity. I tell them to cue the music and once it starts, I feel light headed. I still push on, focusing on Theo. He smiles. I start to sing.


Theo: She is doing amazing! Once she starts singing her song, it's like the room bursts with positivity and an upbeat vibe. I do notice, however, she is singing about falling in love...that's kind of disappointing...ya know...that she has a boyfriend. I though we had a thing...I guess.

*End of song*

As soon as I'm finished, everyone roars and claps. It makes me so happy to know they all liked it.

"That was so good!" Leia exclaims. Maggie adds,

"Yeah, you have some serious songwriter talent in you!" I blush and thank them. I walk over to John, smiling as I pass Theo. His eyes follow me. The smell of citrus and sugar float around in the air only where he is standing. it smells so good.

"Great job, sis!" He exclaims and pulls me into his famous bear hug. I laugh, then pull back, wincing.

"Aw, you stink! Gross!" I try to hide a laugh as I see Michelle is standing right by him, hearing the whole thing.

"i hate you." He whispers as he pulls me by his side, wrapping his arm around me a little too tightly.  Luke whispers,

"uh-oh. You're in big trouble." He snorts and I wince, knowing I will be. The last time I got in trouble with one of the boys they pranked called my crush and told him he smelled like dirty fish nets and he needed to shave off all his hair so I would like him.He never spoke to me again. That was in sixth's been four years...

I wonder what john will do if I told him I had a crush on someone...

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