Day 30 (P. 2)

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Theo: It's only lunch time and Harper and I have done so much. It's going to be a good day.

"So," Theo spins in a chair in the recording studio. We are eating brownies and candy as we jam to some covers. We're taking a break because our fingers are throbbing from strings and drumming. He crumbles his napkin and shoots for the trash can. "I have a surprise for you." He wiggles his eyebrows and I giggle.

"Theo, this whole day has been surprises. You don't need to do this!" He argues with me and finally says,

"Look, I've already got it planned. You are going to Harley's house with Luke to 'chaperone' their date, and I'm setting up the surprise in your house." I raise my eyebrows at him.

"Is John okay with this?" He nods and replies in a laid back tone,

"Totally. I already talked to him about it. I'm going to call you when it's all set up, and you'll be surprised." He grins and rubs his hands.

Harper: I'm half nervous, and half excite for what Theo is planning tonight. I think it will be a really awesome time, but then again, you never know what Theo is going to do.


I sit in Harley's living room, playing on my phone as they watch a movie. This is really boring. I'm sure Harley and Luke are having a great time, but I'm really anxious for the surprise Theo is planning. It's getting dark and he still hasn't called me.

"You want some popcorn?" Luke says, popcorn muffling his voice as he shoves a handful in. I shake my head, and Harley pushes,

"Oh, c'mon! Stop being so worried! Theo's got this!" She smiles and her and Luke share a kiss. They know what Theo is planning, but they won't tell me. Trust me, ive tried. They won't spill it!

Just as Im about to set my phone down and start to watch the movie (even though I have no idea what's going on because I haven't been paying attention), My phone starts to buzz. I pick it up and answer.

"Hello?" I can barely hear. I hear his voice muffle through the phone,

"Come outside! Your ride awaits!" I smile and end the call.

"Sorry, lovebirds. I gotta go." I pick up my shoes and point at them, "Hey, don't do anything inappropriate, got me?" They laugh, they know I kid. Neither of them would do anything.

"Okay, fine, Mom." Luke laughs and puts an arm around Harley. I can't help but smile as I walk out, I can't wait for this surprise.


Theo drives me to my house in the Mutt Cracker, occasionally talking or singing like Metallica to the song on the radio.

When we finally get here, the lights are off. I kind of hesitate, skeptical of what's going on. Theo laughs,

"Don't worry. John's in there, and your dad is at work still." My dad usually works late, so I knew he wouldn't be home. But why would John be inside when it's pitch dark?

We walk through my black house and I have to occasionally grab Theo's arm or run my hand along the wall to make sure I'm not about to run into anything. Theo takes me to the very back room, the room him and Luke came over the night of the party we weren't invited to.

"Okay,now!" He smile and takes my hand. I see a dark silhouette move, probably John, and then, the whole room fills up in brightness.

Christmas lights, bulbs, fairy lights, all twinkle around the ceiling, and around a fort made out of blankets. Pillows and soft, fluffy blankets lay in the fort and around it, with some candy and caprisuns.

"Theo! This is amazing!" John is now beaming, hands in his pockets, by the outlet, and he adds,

"I'll be in my room if you guys needs anything." she pats Theo on the shoulder as he leaves and closes the door behind him. Theo motions for me to take a look, and I do.


We sit in the fort and Theo is playing with my hair as I pick at the fleece blanket on my legs. We've been talking and sharing stories for a while, and now we sit here, silent.

Theo finally speaks, his raspy Lat night voice that gets me every time. He says,

"A month ago, I fell in love with a beautiful girl. She's changed my world." He leans in a little, and for some reason I do, too. "We share..." He leans a little more, "Peach smoothies together...and....we sing together..." Our noses are centimeters apart. "Thank you, Harper."

He presses his lips into mine, and I can't believe it. This is happening. I never dreamed it would happen. It seems too unreal. His hand his still in my hair and energy takes over my body, heat rising in my stomach. It's like fire is being lit inside me.

I can't tell if it's good or bad.

He leans back and I open my eyes. He sort of smiles, and I smile sheepishly.

That just happened.

"Happy one-month-since-we've-met anniversary." He smiles and I tuck a piece of hair behind me ear, smiling up at him.

Yeah, Happy One month since we've met anniversary.

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