Day 6 (P.2)

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"Okay, everyone, it's time to assign partners for tomorrow's duet." Mr. T stands in the middle of the rose room stage with two bowls filled with names on either side of him.

Leia is smirking next to Luke, ready for whoever she's going to get. I heard her telling Racheal she was sure she was going to get Luke. Boy, she has an obsession. Why can't she just see that Luke likes Harley? IF she doesn't get Luke she'll explode. We'll see how that goes.

"First duet..." Mr. T pulls out a name from the boys and a name from the girls. "Maggie and Nate." Maggie high fives little Nate and laughs. He pulls out two other names.

"Ok um...Isaac and Hannah..." They smile at each other across the room as Mr. T pulls out two other names.

"Leia and" He scratches his head and Leia squeals and claps. Luke looks at John and I with eyes that say, "Help me!" I can't help but laugh.

"John and Racheal..." John waves at Racheal with two fingers and Racheal smiles. I'm getting more anxious by the second. who else could I be with?

Mr. T calls a couple other names but I cant hear, I'm too worried. Finally, I hear my name...

"Harper and..." He pulls a paper out of the boys bowl. "Theo!" He looks at us and I search for Theo in the room. He smiles at me and gives me a thumbs up.

I can't believe that just happened.

I hear someone whisper behind me,

"Huh, what are the odds.." Luke. He's joking but I still elbow him in the stomach. He groans.

"And lastly, Ava and Jude. Hope you guys are happy, because I don't really care. Now go practice or do somet5hing." He turns off the mic and jumps off stage.

I grab my stuff to go find Theo but he's already walked over and is standing next to me. How is he so fast? I can smell the citrus and pure sugar as soon as he talks,

"Hey, partner!" He laughs and makes a "Kallibunga" sign with his hand and I giggle.

He holds his hand out and I take it. we walk hand in hand to the recording room to practice. I can't help but blush as we walk hot faced. I've never held anyone's hand before, and it feels good. I wonder if he really means it.

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