Day 9

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*fast forward to day 9*


Leia: so, it's that time of the year for our annual Newbie party!

Luke: The Newbie party is a party all of us veterans hold for the newbies, punch karaoke, fun. It's going to be so much fun!


Everyone is in the bull pen by the time I get Harley from The Next Step. They are all talking, seeming excited about something.

"Hey guys!" I exclaim, taking a seat by Theo, Harley sitting on Luke's lap. He wraps his arms around her and rests his chin on her shoulder. They're so cute together. Leia stands up and crosses her arms, giving me and Harley the evil eye.

"We were just talking about the Newbie Party." She impatiently taps her foot on the ground.

"Ooh! That sounds fun!" I start to talk but she cuts me off,

"Ah! Sorry, but you're not invited." I was taken aback by this. I hear Theo mumble something under his breath next to me. Luke looks confused and John looks furious. He stand up,

"What do you mean they're not invited? They're newbies!" Leia glares at him and Maggie adds,

"Yeah, Leia why wouldn't she be invited?" Leia snaps at Maggie,

"I's not just her. Harley isn't invited either." Theo takes me hand and practically shouts,

"that's mahogany!" John glares at his Hunger Games reference. Theo quickly shrinks and Leia shoots,

"I have a bad feeling about them, okay?" She looks around at everyone, wanting someone to agree. No one does. They are the opposite of agreement.

There is tension in the air. It's thick. Annabelle is shaking her head, Jude is looking at his hands, Luke is red faced and breathing like a bull, John is pacing and on the verge of bursting, Theo looks like he's been shot, and Racheal looks sick.

"Why would you do this, Leia? It's not very nice." Racheal finally says, it comes out like a whimpered whisper. Leia bursts,

"I don't care about nice!" She balls her fists and flies out of the room. Theo squeezes my hand and Luke presses his forehead against Harley's back. I take a deep breath, blowing out air.

"Well, this was very dramatic." James says, rubbing his forehead.

He finally gets up and leaves, a couple others behind him. I don't blame him, it's awkward. Everyone either looks at the ground or looks at Harley and I. Harley looks sick to her stomach. Her eyes tell me she wants out. I stand up, letting go of Theo's hold.

"C'mon Harley, let's go." I try to smile, but when I talk my voice quivers. Harley nods, swallowing. Everyone looks at us with sorry eyes as we walk out. As I walk through the doorway, my back feels bare. I feel exposed.

Why would Leia do this?

Harley and I are in the junction, solemnly sipping some smoothies. Harley plays with her straw and I stare at the table. Luke and Theo walk up,

"hey guys..." Luke looks at Harley. Theo stares at his hands. "Sorry about the party thing..." I look up at Theo and Luke and shrug. I sigh,

"Eh, Movies with rocky road ice cream and blankets beats a party any day." Harley sort of laughs and Luke nods, smiling.

"Yeah, totally."

Just then, Leia comes up behind look,

"Luke, help us plan the party!" She holds his arm and he sighs, looking at the ground. He seems annoyed.

"sorry." I mouth as she drags Luke and Theo away from us. Theo looks sick. Luke looks like a dead man.

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