Day 20

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*Fast forward to Day 20*

I sit in the junction with my smoothie and lyric notebook when I hear someone running from the door. I look over and see Luke, John, and James all trying to run into the junction at the same time. They stop and search. Finally, when they see me, they overload with joy.

"Harper! You're here! Yes!" Luke punches his fist through the air and I grow in confusion.

"What? Why were you looking for me?" I sort of smile, but they seem up to no good. They all look at each other, panicking. Like they've been caught. Luke stutters,

"Uh...because um..." Theo enters the room casually. Luke lights up like Theo saved the day and he prances over to Theo. "Theo needs to talk to you!" They exchange girls do when they know something. Luke pushes Theo over to me and they all watch as Theo collects himself.

"Um...yeah. Alone. I'd like to talk to Harper alone." He looks at them with raised eyebrows and they all shrink,

"Fine! We will be over here!" The posey of boys turns there backs, but as soon as Theo starts to talk, they turn around. They can't help themselves to whatever is going on.

"So, Harper, I was thinking. And I realized we never actually went on an official date. Ya know, just you and me? So..." I nod and smile. Now the pieces are connecting. That's why they were so excited. Theo continues, scratching the back of his neck. "I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me..?"

I bubble with excitement. I nod excitedly and reply,

"I'd love to!" Theo exhales with relief and I giggle.

"Yes! So, how about you meet me here out back tonight and we can take the van." I nod and he continues, "How about sevenish?" I smile and reply,

"Sounds good!" Theo lights up like a Christmas tree. I giggle and he ends the conversation,

"Cool beans." He turns around and throws his hands up at the guys as if to say what?!

I giggle and go back to my lyrics, when the three boys surround me in a whirl of chaos like They are a bunch of excited girls,

Luke: Well...?!?!
John: I never thought you'd go on a date this young!
James: Dress nice! You want me to help you?
Luke: You go girl!
John: Gosh, what am I going to do with you?
James: To be honest, you could do better.
Luke: Shut up, James.
John: My little girl is growing up.
Luke: John, you sound like an old man.
John: Psh.

Harper: I'm really excited for tonight. It's our first official date. Yes, we have had "dates" in the past but this is an official, proclaimed date. I think it's going to be great.

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