Day 39

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So, a day has gone by, and I'm so curious to see why Theo and Giselle left practice. Michelle has been acting weird, and hazel and Hunter are gone, again. I start to stretch just like every one else in Studio A, and we start to get into our positions. I hug Daniel as I get into position.

Harper: I've decided to just let him in, because I've given up on Theo. He's broken my heart too many times, and I don't know if there's a way to fix it.

I'm hitting every single move, and I feel great. Michelle keeps nagging at me, though. Making weird faces or eyeing me dance. I don't know why because I'm doing great. Michelle stops the music and walks up to me. She spits in my face,

"That was awful." She has a mean look on her face, but her eyes say something totally different. Like she's acting. "Go practice in Studio B." I'm confused. I was doing so well. Why is Michelle acting like this?

"O-Okay." I say, and awkwardly head to Studio B, confused by this all.

Michelle: I hope Harper realizes I'm doing this for Theo, that I don't really mean it.


I head into Studio B, and start to practice, trying to hit the moves the very best. Suddenly, the music stops, and a different song starts to come on. I turn around, toward the door, and Theo walks in. I cross my arms and he speaks,

"Please, sit down." He guides me to sit down, and I do.

harper: I sit down, because part of me...still wants Theo.


Theo restarts the music, and starts to dance.

It's amazing. It's like he's using all of his energy into this once dance. He gives it his all, and I can tell he really put a lot of time into it. The song is called, "Will you still love me" and It's really upbeat, but still meaningful.

then, Theo walks to the back corner of the room, and starts to run. He then does a double flip tuck, and lands perfectly on his feet. He then stands himself back into the middle and does another flip, landing on his knees in front of me, like he's about to plead. He says over the fading music,

"Harper, please.  You need to know that it's always been you. Since day one. Since the second I saw you, and it will always be you, until I die. I don't like Giselle, I never di. It's always been you. You don't have to forgive m, you don't have to do anything, I just. I just need you to know."

He's breathing heavy, and that  shows how much he's put into this. What he did made me feel special, and I think it did the trick of mending my heart back together. This is what he's been doing. Giselle helped him create this routine for me. And Michelle was in on it. It was all a set up. I think it's sweet.  I stand up, and take his hand, pulling him up,

"Come here." I pull him into a hug and I don't want to let go. He smiles, still breathing heavy, and I back up,

"Wow, you're sweaty." I wiper my hands on my shorts and he looks down at his wet self. He shrugs and smiles,

"Eh." He then smiles at me, joking, "I think you want another sweaty hug." I run away and he chases me around, "Oh, c'mon! You know you, love me!"

He finally pulls me into a sweaty hug, and I don't care, even though its gross, it feels good. It feels good to be back to normal.

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