Day 31

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Harper: So, today has been kind of weird. The whole morning Theo and I have been acting really awkward towards each other. I hope it goes away. Plus, I think we have bigger problems than awkwardness...


I walk into the rose room with Hazel, and immediately regret it. Leia is standing in front of her band, arms crossed, snarl on her face. Hazel looks at me with a worried face.

"Leia, you have to stop with this Luke thing! Seriously! He's all you talk about and it gets really annoying! I get, you like him, but you need to focus on the band!" Rachel shouts and I have never seen her this way.

She looks up and sees me, her face lifting just a tad. I guess she's glad I'm here. But why? I sheepishly smile back. Annabelle mouths for me to help her and I do,

"Hey guys...what's going on....?" I smile sheepishly and Leia rolls her eyes. Maggie speaks,

"We just got into an argument..." She tries to say it nicely as she can. Rachel crosses her arms, face red.

"Leia, won't stop talking talking about Luke! I've had it!" I can tell she's done. I'd be done too, if Leia was my best friend. I mean, I'm not even her friend and all I hear out of her mouth is stuff about Luke, or songs about Luke.

Leia hasn't said a word this whole time. I'm standing by her now, Hazel by my side. When I try to speak, Leia cuts me off, talking for the first time,

"Fine, until you can understand me, I'm out. I'm not in the band anymore." She marched out and the three girls fill with panic.

I'm speechless. I knew Leia would do something, but not this drastic. I look at the three girls. They all look at each other with the same look on their face, oh crap.

"Great,now we need a fourth person!" Annabelle says, hand on her wrinkled forehead. Rachel slaps her arms against her legs and Maggie looks around the room, a worried look on her face.

Her eyes fall on Hazel, and her face lights up a little. Rachel's eyes follow, along with Annabelle. They smile.

Rachel: I know Hazel is an awesome singer, plus, I don't think she's in another band, so I think she'd be perfect fit for our band!

"Hey, Hazel," Maggie asks, smile on her face. Hazel smiles back, a little confused on what's going on. "Would you like to be the new member of our band?"

Hazel lights up, she's been searching for a band. She claps her hands and beams,

"I'd love to!" They bring her into a group hug, and I feel so happy for Hazel. Though, maybe letting Hazel in would cause more drama with Leia...

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