Day 36 (P. 3)

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I sit in Studio B, and I bury my head in my hands. I don't want to decide. I can't. I suddenly feel a light tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see Daniel, smiling at me. I want to smile, but I don't. I can't. I just look back at the ground, wanting to cry. Daniel sits by me, hugging his knees in the same position as I am.

"I'm sorry about West." He huffs and looks at the couch in front of us.

His olive skin and brown eyes look crystal clear and I want to take his hand, but I don't. I can't. It's betraying Theo. I feel a piece of my heart hollow and I don't really know why. Maybe it's because I want to hold his hand, maybe it's because I'm having second thoughts about Theo, and maybe it's the fact I have to decide between the two guys.

"It's okay." I reply and shrug. Daniel looks at me, scooting a little closer. He looks at me, trying to get me to look at him, but I don't. I keep staring at the ground, trying not to look. I want to, but I don't.

I want to do a lot of things, but I don't.


*Hazel's POV*

Hazel: So, right now, I'm in Studio A, waiting for Hunter. We've been talking lately and he's super sweet. He told me to meet me in Studio A and I hope I just didn't get stuck up.


"Hey." He walks in and I stand up. He smiles and takes his jacket off, stretching. I laugh,

"What're we doing?" I'm confused. I thought we were just going to hang, not dance. To be honest, I don't have most of the moves down, and neither do the others.

"Dance." he smiles, and his dimples melt me. I can't say no. I stretch, and Hunter picks me up, before I'm ready. He twirls me around, and then brings me to the down, taking me into a slow dance form.

We dance an amazing duet without even practice. We just gelled together and really fit without even practicing. At the end, he suddenly puts me into a lift, and I feel amazing. he brings me down towards him, still in a lift. We are centimeters apart. my heart is skipping a beat.

His eyes are sparkling and he's grinning so big, his dimples so full. I smile, and I feel my heart beating getting louder. I hope he doesn't hear it. He presses his lips into mine and then slowly brings me to the ground, still kissing me.

It feels sweet, and amazing, and free.

Our lips part, and I smile. I lean my forehead against his, and he whispers,

"Let's take it from the top."


I finally pull myself together and Daniel walks me out to Studio A, linking his arm through mine. I start to stretch, but suddenly am yanked by someone.

"Harper, we need to talk." Giselle says, gripping my arm a little too tightly. Her eyes still have a threatening look in them, and her face is hard.

"Yes?" I ask. She drags me into the hall and crosses her arms.

Harper: I've never thought Giselle as this mean, threatening girl. She seemed so nice.

"Look, you need to pick Daniel." I'm shocked. She continues. "Daniel has been my friend since he was five. I know he likes you. So, pick him." I'm done being nice. I look at her,

"Well, Theo likes me too." She rolls her eyes and says,

"Please. He's probably just being a nice guy to make you feel fit in. He probably feels sorry for you." I want to cry. She starts to shoot something else but I hear him. Theo. He walks up to me and stands by my side. He shoots at Giselle,

"Stop saying that. Giselle, you know I'm not like that." She rolls her eyes and walks back into practice.

Theo turns to me, and I turn to him, tears filling me eyes. He looks like he wants to cry for me, and he pulls out his arms, and I collapse into him. I wipe away my tears, and he teases,

"oh, c'mon! You're getting my tee shirt all wet!" I laugh, still crying. Theo starts to sway in our hug, and he starts to hum.

He starts to hum Broken By You.

This makes me cry even more, but in a good way.

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