Day 15

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I walk into the bull pen to see the band all sitting in metal folding chairs, feet in a baby pool, sunscreen slathered on noses, and weird juices in their hands. I laugh,

"What are you guys doing?" I have to muffle a couple giggles. Theo says all chill,

"We are having our annual stay-cation." I have to nod, rolling my lips in, trying to hold back a laugh as I look at the four idiots in front of me.

"Yeah, it's really fun." Luke nods after exclaiming and I turn to John,

"How'd they bribe you into this?" I ask, knowing my brother would never actually do this. John shrugs,

"I just wanted to do it." Lies. All Lies.  Luke takes a sip of his juice. james exclaims,

"We told him he'd get all of our next payment at our next gig and he could have all of Luke's birthday cake. " He wiggles his eyebrows and Luke almost spits out his sip of juice,

"Whoa, whoa, wait. My birthday cake? Why not Theo's?" He swings his cup of juice towards Theo and Theo exclaims,

"You know how much I love my cake!" I laugh, changing the subject,

"So, how long is this 'stay-cation' going to last?" I cross my arms and half of the four shrug, looking at each other. Luke finally replies with attitude,

"However long we want it to, woman." He throws up his hands to say, "Deal with it!" And I roll my eyes, James crossing his arms and nodding.

"So, uh, James, how are you going to vacation when you have a huge recital in about," I check my phone, "twenty minutes." James smiles, then fills up with worry. He looks around at the other boys,

"Um, guys, this stay-cation has to be put on pause in about twenty minutes." Luke grins while shaking his head and Theo shrugs,

"fine with me, as long as it continues." Just then, Hazel and Harley walk into the room. They are talking about something until they see the guys. They stop in their tracks.

"um, okay?" Hazel looks confused. Harley looks at Luke,

"Honey?" She asks, Luke smiles sweetly, innocently, at her,

"Yes babe?" She crosses her arms, raising her eyebrows,

"You have some explaining to do." He looks uncomfortable.

"Yes, sweety." Hazel pitches in,

"Yes, I think it'd be a good idea to explain why four guys are all hanging out in a kiddy pool together..."

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