Vampire blood II

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Copyright © 2010 Alexandra-Patricia Pusca

ID 8389919

ISBN: 978-1-4457-0390-9

Lulu publishing



13th November 2010

Another year passed. Now I'm 25 years old. I'm getting older and older every year. I am still obsessed with vampire's stories so I bought another book, again. It's something new. I can't wait to read it!

It's a cold winter without snow.

23rd November 2010

I keep writing in my diary even after all these years. What a stupid thing to do. I'm not little anymore, I'm not afraid of darkness or monsters. Now I have a new life. I have school and work to do. I don't have time for nothing else. Sometimes I feel so tired of my life, of my sunny days and darkest nights. Even if I know a lot of people and laugh all the time, I can tell it's all just a mask. Since I was little I felt that I was special, different from others, and that I couldn't fit anywhere. I wish I were really special, even if I know I'm not. Now I'm too old to still believe in fairy tales. I have to be strong and I have to admit the fact that nobody cares about me, nobody is waiting for me, and nobody loves me, except my mother. She's the only one I have left. Otherwise I'm all by myself and I have to get through this lonely and boring life of mine.

25th November 2010

I think I'm being paranoic, but these last days I kind of felt strange. My chest hurts a lot. I don't know why but even if I'm home I don't feel well and safe at all. My head hurts and I feel kind of dizzy. Maybe it's the weather. I don't know, but a lot of strange things happened to me lately. It's like someone or something is always watching me. I feel uncomfortable. That's just silly, I know, but I don't understand what's happening with me. I must be tired.

30th November 2010

I'm running in a dark forest. I'm all alone, I'm scared and I feel cold. I'm so afraid, but I don't know why. It's nobody here. Why am I so scared? Suddenly I can sense someone near. It's getting so close. Who's there, I try to scream, but I can't even hear my voice. I know I can't run even if I try. Don't come any closer. Stay away! I keep screaming. And then I woke up. I keep having this dream almost every night. I don't know what means, but it scares me to death. Even after I wake up it's always like someone is watching me. I always have this feeling. It's strange, you don't have to tell me, I already know that, but I don't know what to do.

Tomorrow is 1st December and I'm still working. I have to make time for my shopping, so I decided to meet my friends Andreea and Bianca to go to the new mall. I heard it's the biggest in Europe and I can't wait to see it. I have some money to spend for me and for my mother. I want to make her a beautiful present for the end of this year and I have to look for a beautiful gift.

Ring Ring

- B, where are you? I'm waiting for almost half an hour!

- We're coming in ten minutes. A. bought some gorgeous shoes. Leather inside and outside. Only 30 euro. You have to see it.

- Where did you find this cheap?

- To Afi mall, a lot of shops have sale promotion.

- Ok, see you at the University and we're going together, ok? I need a dress, I'm going out with Brian.

- Oh my god! How?

- Well, I said blushing, he called me last night to tell me he wants to go out with me, like two good friends we are. And, yeah, I know what you think, but believe me, it's not more than that.

- But it could be!

- Maybe, I don't know. I'm too busy to do anything about that.

- You have to make time for a long relationship. You can't wait forever for some guy that will never come.

- I don't feel like he's the one.

- You always say this. For you nobody is good enough. You'll get old waiting.

- That's my problem, I said feeling tears in my eyes.

- I know, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to put it like that. It's just that I want you to find the boy you want.

- It's ok. I know that.

- Ok! We'll talk later about all this. We're coming to pick you up! said B. and hung up before I could say another word. She's always been like this, but now is even more obsessed with me getting a long relationship. But I can't fall in love. I didn't find the man of my dreams. I'm going out with boys, but they are just friends. Nothing more. B. doesn't seem to understand that I'm not the kind of girl to actually go out with someone only for being like others. If I don't love that person, I can't be with him.



Vampire blood (Bloody dreams) - rewriting, on hold at the momentWhere stories live. Discover now