*.At Peace.*

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This is the second to last chapter.
It's short, but last chapter will up soon.


*.At Peace.*

Quay's eyes glanced down at the heart rate machine, "Jesus." He whispered, his arm wrapped tightly around Nolan who was watching  August.

His lips were dry and cracked, his skin was pale, the hospital gown didn't help either.

"It's ok, Dru, Nolan and I will be out in the room... We'll let you speak your peace." He leaned in and kissed Dru's lips. "When ever you feel uncomfortable or scared, or anything we're are right outside. Dru turned to him then nodded.

"I love you."

"Love you too." Dru replied and bent down to Nolan's height, and kissed his forehead. "Be safe sissy." He spoke, still very nervous that August was dangerous. "I will baby boy." Once the boys walked out and the door closed.

Dru was completely alone.

"So uh... How's the weather for coma people?" She mumbled, not sure how in the hell she was supposed to begin. "Oh god... Here goes nothing.  She pulled a chair up and sat by him, with a deep inhale and easy exhale, she began.

"You were just different." Dru mumbled touching his hair. "You had your demons, and they took control over you. The sweet guy who approached me at the therapist just let demons control him."

Dru blinked letting the tears drip down from her eyes to her cheeks, and eventually her shirt. "I wish I hadn't fell for you, that I had seen the devil behind the mask, but you're in a better place now." Gently Dru placed a kiss on his cheek.

Even though he was hit by bullets, strangely enough his body wouldn't quit.

Despite August causing so much un-reversible damage, like it or not he was still human. Humans tend to go astray, humans make mistake, and what allow humans to be a better person is the idea that humans should learn from their mistakes, and avoid them in the next time.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you, I'm sorry I let you hurt all those people." Dru sighed knowing all those people had went through pain and suffering through the hands of her supposed husband. With her hand on top of his, she shut her eyes. "You know this is going to be very tough explaining to our little girl the mess you created." Dru chuckled out of awkwardness.

"I know you didn't mean harm, from the bottom of my heart I feel like you meant well, and that if everything played out cliche, nobody would have gotten hurt." As her hands stroked is fingers she felt good, that this burden was being lifted off her shoulders. She needed this moment to get everything off her chest. She had avoided this hospital for as long as possible, but in order to get on with her life, she had to be able to face the demon who took control of it.

Her eyes looked at the ring on his finger, then the one on her finger. Sliding off her ring she grabbed August's open palm, placing the ring in his palm she closed it. Letting it rest across his chest "I should hate you for everything, but you..." She paused hearing the inconsistent heart beat. After a few seconds it regulated... So Dru continued on ward.

"But I can't, in order for me to move on I cant hold this grudge." She stated softly. "This is a good bye August, but maybe, just maybe I'll see you on the other side." She responded but his heart beat continued. "Nurse! Nurse!" She hit the button. Immediately nurses and doctors flooded the room. "He's having a seizure!"

They were all taken back when his eyes snapped open and his hand grabbed Dru's. He was in a tremendous amount of pain. And Dru knew that look, the familiar look.


He was afraid, he'd taken so many lives that he couldn't cope with the tables turning on him. As his body started to fail him he saw his victims. His body began to wiggle and his breath slowly slow down. He couldn't cope with taking the medicine he once served to other people. 

"Come on lah bro." Melvin's voice taunted.

"No!" He cried out.

"Yeah son." Shyla's ex egged on.

"No! Gone na! Just go!"

"Dying ain't so bad." The robber from the Bahamas piped in.

"Stop it! Everyone stop it!"

"Yeah, dying isn't bad once you figure out living ain't easy." Johnny stated.

"Dr-Dru make it stop! Don't let them take me!"

"There isn't any pain when you die. Remember when you killed me." Tanisha spoke up.

"Help me! Dru help me, please!"

"And me?" The guy from the party joined in.

"Oh god! Make it stop!"

"And me?" Kevin asked.
"And me?" Julie questioned.

August choked back on his tears as he grunted out of distress.

"Remember me August?" Gerald piped in.

"Just stop it na! Just stop i-" Before he could finish he felt a familiar presence. "M-m-momma?" He mumbled seeing her body.  

"And me Baybeh. You shot me, why did you shoot me?" Shyla asked.

"No! Momma I'm sorry!" He cried out through his tears, and whimpering.

"N-No! Don't let me go wit them." Tears poured from his eyes as his hand gripped tighter on Dru. "August don't fight it baby, be at peace." She soothed holding his hand. "D-don't let me go Dru, please!"

"Ma'am there is nothing we can do." The nurse whispered in her ear. Dru nodded fully understanding that she would have to yet again what someone who was apart of her life, take their last breath. Getting closer with one hand still locked, her other hand smoothed down his hair. "Don't fight it baby..." She cooed.

"Be at peace, you won't be suffering any more." She whispered, despite his struggling he oddly complied to her, seeing her right before he was about to cross over, put him at ease. "You're not gonna be in anymore pain."

"No... No pain?"

"No pain." She whispered and wiped his tears, his grip on her hand loosen, as his heart beat slowed, and his eyes dimmed. He felt the arms of his victims pull him from one universe into a completely different one. One that consisted of quietness, restful, and perished state

And the long ring filled the room.

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