*.In Secret.*

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Sorry this took so long
But this is for you all.

Even that kid that got me sitting here with a stuff nose, and a scratchy throat.

This is for you too.

*.In Secret.*

Dru was frozen, with a mixture of embarrassment, fear, shamefulness, and pity. She didn't move, "sir you need calm tha fuck down." August replied cockily as he stood up, he was really trying to hide the fact that he was interrupted from doing something real good.

Gerald let a little laugh, and then sucker punched the man who was sleeping with his daughter. Gerald wasn't some dummy, he knew of August and Rima. He knew how August got away scot free on the case.

But what he didn't think was that August would find his next victim.

"Daddy no!" Dru screamed as he delivered more punches. August was still a disarray from the banging sex that he couldn't fight back. Better yet counter the blows. So like a bowl of cereal he ate them. "Dad-"

"Take another step, I dare you." Dru remained planted as tears poured from her eyes.

"Daddy stop!" Dru cried but he just ignored, Rosanna rushed in and pried her husband off. Glancing at a bloodied stranger, the stranger whose mug shot was posted on the news as a prime suspect in a murder investigation. The stranger who murdered that innocent girl.

"Dru we've been through your stuff." Rosanna blurted pulling a pregnancy test from her pocketbook.

"What?! Why?!"

"After the school called and told me you ditched, so we figured you were up to something. Then we find this under your bed, and a bottle in your garbage." Frowning Dru tried not to cry this was some mix up, it wasn't what it seemed. "Dru are you still on the pills?"

Dru paused how could her mother think that...

"No! I never threw them out, and Nolan found them-"

"You never threw them out?! Did he use any of it."

"No! Ok! Fuck! Wh-why don't you trust me!? I know I made a mistake bu-but wow! It's like before! You suffocate me!" Dru cried out wiping her tears. "We tried to protect you!" Her father growled. "Correction you tried to punish me!"

"Excuse you?" Her father asked, "Ever since I've been home you just have me taking drug test, we don't even talk! August and I connect, he's there for me..." Dru glanced down and ignored the fact he was out cold.


"Do you know what it's like having those bad thoughts those urges!? And you can't sleep! So you call the one person who can make it all better and he's there! Making me feel happy!" Dru felt her body shake she was getting anxious.

Dru opened her mouth to say something but August began to cough, causing her to scurry over to her baby. "Baby, are you ok?" Scooping his head she let it gently rest on her lap. "I'm here." He was fading in and out of consciousness. Dru raced to her bathroom grabbing a first aid kit.

She noticed her father had a bloody nose, but not because August got a hit, but because her father was pissed.
"So you being some little whore, and fucking this grown man... Makes you feel happy?!"


"No! Dammit Dru, what the hell is wrong with you?! You were better off strung off in that damn bathroom! I should have never bothered to ever help you!" Her father growled and walked out. And Rosanna shot her daughter a sympathetic look before she followed him.

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