*.What The F-.*

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*.What The F-.*

August opened the door to see both Dru's parents tied up, gagged, and hungry. "Hey family!" August chuckled watching them mumble, walking over to her father he pulled the ball gag out. "What?" He asked with complete disgust in his tone.

He turned to her mother gently pulling it off too.

"Stay away from my daughter!" Her father demanded, August chuckled as he put the tape over his lips. "You mean your innocent daughter I'm dating? The one who got her doing coke?"

Hitting play the parents watch their innocent daughter, act not so innocent. "Stop looking and I'll make sure your wife gets it too."

"Please don't do this..." Her mother begged, he never had animosity towards Dru's sweet mother. But like most people August needed leverage, "So..." August smirked pulling out his knife cutting a small hole in Rosanna's white dirty blouse. "Please, no please." She begged.

"Rosanna baybeh, I need ya husband ta' promise me one thing."

Rosanna nodded waiting to figure out what the hell August was going to spring on her. "He need ta sign this." August said sliding papers out towards Dru's father.

After getting what he wanted he went turned to leave, "Wait!" He stopped abruptly turning to see Rosanna with a pleading look. "Can I please talk to Nolan?" Rosanna asked. "Where's Nolan? Can we see him?"

He walked over to her and kneeled, watching the tears form in her eyes. "Please I haven't seen my baby girl, I haven't seen Nolan, we're trapped in here all day... Please just let me see my baby." She whispered.

"Rossana you tried to keep my baybeh away from me, and now I'm keeping your baybeh away from you."

"Quay they're not answering!" Dru cried out feeling nervous, "Well in Hawaii they probably don't have connection." Quay responded as he threw on some clothing. He had gotten a text from Rossana explaining that they went to Hawaii to relax.

Sighing he climbed in bed next to Dru who was in tears, she should have taken Nolan with her. "Dru?" She ignored him unintentionally as she clutched Nolan's blanket.

"I don't like this Quay, I don't like it one bit." Dru couldn't shake the feeling of something bad about to happen. August could be lurking anywhere and Nolan in the mix was not something she wanted to imagine. "Dru come on now... Look at me." Dru looked at Quay who placed a kiss on her lips. She tried not to pursue into it. But she couldn't help it leaning in more she cupped his face.

But Dru's phone stopped them.

"Voice mail... Press 3 to hear message."

Dru hit speaker, than pressed 3.

"Dru it's me, Kevin I know you're a little confused on why I'm calling but. But I want you to know something. August, he's-" A gun shot went off.

"Dru baybeh, ion know why you playing games, you really making me upset. Ion wanna hurt nobody but yo ass finna make me." Then the line went dead, Quay looked down at Dru to see her ghost face staring blankly at the phone.

"press four to replay."

"Dru just..."

Dru pressed four... After a pause Dru listened to Kevin's final moments.

"Dru it's me, Kevin I know you're a little confused on why I'm calling but. But I want you to know something. August, he's-" A gun shot went off.

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