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Dru opened her eyes and was ready to swear at the person who opened the blinds.

"Little girl don't you dare cuss in my house, you're my niece, but I still will put a whooping on you."

"Aunty!" Dru dragged on looking at Meegan's mother. "I sent Nolan and Meegan to wake you up, but I guess that backfired." Dru turned to see Nolan sleeping on top of Meegan, while Meegan snored.

Sitting up Dru rubbed her eyes, "breakfast will be ready soon, so get up Hun."

Dru took her shower and brushed her teeth and waited by the phone. Her new pal MLBIII would always text her first in the morning, and last at night.

Good morning-:-Dru.

And in no time her NewFriendz app notification buzzed back. It was the only way the two could talk to each other.

Sorry I over slept-:-MLBIII

Oh that's fine, I missed you-:-Dru. Dru cursed to herself as she hit enter too early.

Well when you type it like that, ;) I missed ya too baby.-:-MLBIII

No, not in that way, just call me so we can talk.-:-Dru.

And in no time he spent no time calling.

"Good morning." Despite Dru feeling awful about last night, she always found his voice, comforting.

"Good morning, how'd you sleep?"

"Ehhh only got an hour of sleep."


"Just up and thinking about stuff,"

"Well get some sleep, and I'll call you later ok?" Her friend yawned before continuing.

"Ight bye beautiful."

"Bye." Dru dragged on slightly blushing. Her friend gave a chuckle before he hung up.

"What's the matter?" Dru asked Nolan as he sat up still on Meegan's waist. He was admiring his future wife's blonde locks, tattoos, and piercings. He didn't even bother to listen to his sister as he leaned down and placed kisses on his girlfriend.

"You're gonna marry me one day, and then we'll go to the hospital and we can pick out a baby, and I'll put it in for you, so you don't have too."

Dru paused a bit looking at her baby brother, "and then we can name him bubbles."

"I like the name bubbles." Meegan responded sitting up. "Girlfriend!" Nolan cheesed as Meegan wrapped her arms around Nolan. "Aunty said breakfast is ready." Nolan got off Meegan and ran to get himself a plate.

"So you never finished telling me about the cute guy fingering you..." Meegan blurted, causing Dru to jump. "Shh don't blurt that out loudly, and where did I leave off?"

"The part where he stopped."

Dru nodded and sat on the bed, finishing off her story. "So wow... Did it feel good?"

"Mhm, it was like, magical, and relaxing. And his breath just made everything hotter." Dru closed her eyes. "Did he give you his number?"

"I wish, then I could get him to finish it off."

The two girls chuckled and went downstairs for a helping of breakfast.

"You know honey, I think you should get a make-over." Meegan's mother suggested as her hands played with Dru's long brown hair. "Oh no don't get repunzile started." Meegan snickered as Dru's face cringed up. "But I used so much coconut oil, and protein treatments, and-"

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