*.Familiar Faces.*

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This book is almost done in a few chapters. Thanks for reading and supporting. Much love<3

*.Familiar Face.*

"Baybeh..." Dru's eyes blinked open and she was staring at Nolan's toy. It had been three days and there still was no sign of help. "No leave me alone." She growled

"I know it's been hard on y-"

"Shut up, you don't know shit." Dru couldn't bare to just put a smile on her face, when her Nolan was out there probably hurt. August glanced down, "I took my pills... Again." Dru frowned knowing August was just as unstable as her.

"Come..." She mumbled rolling over a bit, August laid next to her. "Gimme a smile." He whispered and waited for her to smile, which she did. Joining her, he drapped his arm over her. "I luh yah."

"I know." Dru yawned and rolled over to dose off.

August didn't bother to go to sleep because he was focusing on Dru. Eyeing her from the fine hairs of her eye brow, to the birth mark on her nose. Leaning in he kissed her lips, "I-I can't." She mumbled in her sleep. August watched as she fidgeted.

Sitting up he watched as she mumbled and shifted. "No I didn't forget about you, no Quay I didn't leave you. I still love you."


"I love you too." Quay mumbled before bobbing his head. He had just about exhausted his funds and had to ration everything until he got her back, so he was forced to sleep on a public bench. "Quay!"

"Dru?" His eyes shot open and he saw a small little boy. Sitting on his bike, looking defeated.

It couldn't be...

"Please help, some crazy man took my- Quay? Quay!." Quay rubbed his eyes as tears formed. Picking up his son, he let tears fall from his face. "What happened?" Nolan opened his mouth to speak, but soon began to cry.

For the time being he had tapped into his favorite super hero, being brave, and strong. But it was taking a toll on him, his sobs got louder as Quay comforted him.

"He had sissy being on his side, and he shot my dad! Mommy is in the hospital! I want sissy!" Quay's eyes narrowed down, "sissy being on his side?"

"Yes... She started acting weird like him, and she was being mean to me. But one day she gave me a bath, and stopped..." Nolan's face lost color as he remembered more. "She helped me escape, but I got a little lost..."

"I'm so glad you came back." Nolan frowned remembering how his father tried to come back.

"The bodies." Nolan mumbled "What bodies?" Nolan trembled as he clutched onto Quay tighter.

"He-he married her, and had all the dead people in the wedding room." Nolan sobbed, "he killed my daddy! And then he tried to kill me!" Quay picked up Nolan and sighed. "Come on, we're gonna get you cleaned up ok?"

Using his last money he walked to the receptionist. The elderly man looked at Quay, and the child. Both of them had been through hell. "I uhh..." Quay handed his card to the man who didn't bother to take it. "Son, just go up to the room." He handed Quay the key, "you get him rested and cleaned up, then you go down to the sto' tell 'em Pops sent yall."

"Th-thank you so much sir." Getting the key Quay carried Nolan to the room and gave him a bath.

Then put him in the smallest clothing he could find, which was still big. "How'd you get out."

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