*.So Close.*

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*.So Close.*

"M-mommy..." Rosanna glanced up to see her baby, Nolan. "Mommy!" Jumping out of her hospital bed she ran over to greet her Nolan.

"Baby!" Opening her arms she scooped up Nolan and held him close. "I missed you so much, that mean man still has sissy." Leaning down she kissed her baby's cheek. "I missed you."

"I missed you too baby." Nolan smiled and kissed her cheek. Hearing the door open she quickly glanced to see a homeless man. He looked disheveled, his hair not combed, his facial hair un groomed. Looking into his eyes she noticed it wasn't some homeless man. "Quay?" Rossana she questioned in utter shock as she sat Nolan down.

Walking over to him she threw her arms around Quay and held him close.

"Quay!" She cried out, "Momma." He let out a breath as he hugged back. "He found me..." Quay said in shock, while eyeing Nolan "He's a little blessing." They looked down at Nolan who was smiling. Stepping back Rosanna smiled.

"Where do we look?" Rosanna asked, "there's this house... Not too far from here." Nolan mumbled. As they passed Dru who was resting in the hospital bed safely and soundly.

She hadn't been able to sleep since, and after she woke up she was going to go to the station and sort everything out.

"I have a motel we can stay and rest." Quay suggested, just as the nurse gave Rosanna permission to leave. She quickly changed her clothing while Nolan and Quay waited. "How does she look?" Quay asked from curiosity.

"She looks different, her hair is different, her eyes are different, she looks pale, and her stomach is big." Quay's heart sank after hearing those four words. "B-big as in how?"

"Her tummy is round; she says there's a baby inside." He replied, while his tiny arms made a gesturing shape of a pregnant woman.

"She's really big, if she was a balloon she'd pop." He continued on just as Rosanna emerged from the bathroom.

"I managed to get some money for a cab," Rosanna replied, as the three walked out from the room. They didn't have to wait long for a cab, and were able to make it to the motel.

"She's pregnant." Quay mumbled still in shock, "she was at least five months when I last saw her." Rosanna responded. "I don't know how she'll be when we get her back." Rosanna whispered with tears pouring down her eyes. "She looked so broken, when I last saw her. And it's all my fault."

"It's nobody's fault."

"I should have been there more, I was always gone with Gerald. And when I came back I pressed her about drugs and alcohol. Not knowing she had already found a drug in a human form." Quay patted her back. "Sh-she was ok!" Nolan piped up.


"Uhuh, she found an escape for me. There was something in her eyes mom, it was weird. But a good weird."

A small smile formed on Rosanna's lips. "She's got some fight in her, and we're going to get her back before he drains it all out of her."

Once at the hotel they sat down and began to plan.

"What are we gonna do?"

"You're gonna stay with Nolan while I go get Dru." Quay sighed, "Momma you can't do that, I promised her I'd get her, and I promised that lunatic he'd regret crossing me."

"No you look like you haven't rested up." She sighed. "Nah I- I promised Dru, plus if I don't make it... Nolan needs you more than he needs me."

"Nonsense he's going to need you more." They both turned to Nolan who was knocked out sleeping. "After all, I'm just his grandmother you are his father."

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