*.A Break.*

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*.A Break.*

"Hawaii?" Dru questioned looking at the scenery in complete awe. Dru couldn't bother to shake the disgusted feeling she had.

The feeling of someone being family, and being obsessed with their sibling.

"Is everything ok?" She nodded letting Quay hold her. "You look so adorable." Dru blushed slightly as he admired her small body in the bathing suit.

Quay smirked at Dru's smile, she was gorgeous in her modest bathing suit. "You don't look so shabby yourself Quay." Chuckling she let her hands trace up and down Quay's abs.

"Easy Dru..." Smiling the continued on the beach, "I've always wanted to go to Hawaii." She giggled and quickly dropped her towel heading off to the beach with him trailing behind her. "Come on Quay, you're the athletic one!" Picking her up he spun her around and the two enjoyed themselves on the beach.

After playing in the water Quay relaxed under the umbrella. While Dru stared blankly ahead at the water, she had a small smile as the water washed ashore. It reminded her of when she felt loved, when people where close to her.

As the water began to drift away, so did the smile and happiness Dru had. Despite being surrounded by people, she still felt isolated.

She didn't know she was crying until Quay wiped her tears. Then a noise left her mouth, and from that, there was no stopping Dru from an awful break down.


August's body itched with a burning sensation, he couldn't stand to be without his baby girl. He couldn't stand it. Point blank the shit was driving him nuts.

He knew sooner or later she'd find out that they once knew each other. That's why he resented his father. Not Shyla's husband but his biological father, Gerald. That man was a complete bastard, he knew that Rosanna couldn't have kids, but that didn't stop them from trying.

After a failed attempt to kill his mother, she had to leave.

So Gerald being the Pastor he is adopted August, raised him well until Dru was in the picture. Aug exhaled long remembering how he used to be obsessed with Dru. Growing up he was always holding her, feeding her, he even learned how to change her.

It wasn't like she denied his affection, she adored him... To the fullest.

Then one day his father caught them in the bath tub, and in August's eyes Gerald over reacted and sent him away. Standing up August laughed as he eyed Rosanna.

Rosanna dear Rosanna. She was a sweet mother to him which is why he felt slightly awful for treating her bad. If only he knew what his so called father did.

August made his way to his sex doll he had made in jail, "Please no August please..." the cell mate pleaded with pain, August tortured him. Releasing his anger, resentment, and stress out on him. After hours of a half ass job he was somewhat satisfied.

Making his way to his bed and laid down still out of his mind, he wish he had his blunt, his alcohol, but no matter the substance, the one thing he knew could that make him happy was his baby by his side.

"Alsina you get your wish, one phone call." Smirking he got out of bed, passed the whimpering cell mate. And to the phone call. Taking the phone off the hook he needed to make the best of this call.


"Nolan hey son."
"D-daddy? Daddy!"

"I need you to do me a favor."


"Quay today was a really scary," Dru pouted as Quay laid her on bed.

"Yeah cause you damn near got burnt trying to dance with the fire twirlers." Quay responded back knowing he had to rescue her. Chuckling Dru followed Quay to the door. "Goodnight Dru."

"Wait I uh-I uh made sure we got this room, it was too expensive for two rooms." Quay sighed before plopping on the bed. Smiling she laid next to him. "Y-you know I just don't get you, you tell me how shy you are. Yet you're just as silly as I am."

Dru laughed harder, "I don't know I'm just really comfortable with you. I don't know." Chucking he pulled her closer and the two dosed off. Not before he received a rather vulgar text from an unknown number.

'If you want yo' daddy back alive, then she better come home in 2 days.' Quay looked down at Dru before standing up and taking the call.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Quay growled into the phone his fist balled up as if he the phone.

"You have what's mine bitch boy, and I will fucking kill you, or anybody who gets in my way when it comes to my baybeh. Ya heard me! I will fuck yo' momma up! Yo daddy! Don't even get me started o Nolan!"

Quay's jaw tensed up, "if I see you best believe you're dead."

"Bitch boy, if I'm dying so are you." With that the lined went dead leaving Quay ready to kill somebody. Two arms wrapped around Quay's waist and he spun to see Dru swaying with a small smile. "Why aren't you in bed, it's really late?"

"Dru..." He paused not knowing how she would take it, so she didn't need to know. It would ruin her trip, and make her upset again. "I just had a night mare." Dru frowned not sure how to take it. "Do you wanna tell me?"

Quay shook his head, swallowing a big not in his throat. "Nothing really important."

Quay's phone buzzed again.

'I wouldn't want people knowing you kidnapped my little sister.'

Dru's stomach turned as she glanced at the message, "He's going to hurt you, because of me." she whispered glancing down. "I'm just gonna try to reason with him."

"You are not reasoning with him, he's a pyscho Dru! He's not thinking straight!" Dru glanced down. "Don't you think I know that, I'm tired ok! I'm tired of running from someone who knows where I'll be. He's killed people! Now he's gonna hurt you! Do you think I want that!? So if it takes one person to stop a whole bunch of people to stop hurting! Why the fuck not!?"

Before Quay could open his mouth Dru continued, "Since he's the only sibling I have."


"I-I found out we're related."

Quay's face fell, this was clearly sick. This was why Dru couldn't relax, cause the man who was terrorizing her. Once was considered a family member.
Dru made her way back to bed.

Unable to sleep...

"So much for a fucking break."


Laying on the bed, Dru looked up at ceiling. She regretted ever meeting him more than ever. It was always the things that were unchangeable that always stuck to her.

Maybe because they were unchangeable, and on matter how hard she tried to think of something else. She was stuck on August's chess board still contemplating her move. Her hands rested behind her head and she looked at the clouds.

"Mom, I'm sorry I didn't listen, mom dad I'm sorry I wasn't smarter, I wish I could take this back. Tanisha, Johnny I'm sorry he hurt you." Rolling onto her side she sniffled more, rubbing her temples together she sighed.

Before getting up, sliding shoes on and heading to the beach.

Instantly she picked up a handful of sand, and stormed down to the shore. "Stupid!" She growled and heaved it in which such force it scared the nearby birds relaxing on the water. "Weak!" She yelped and chucked another one, "vulnerable!"

Simple minded

And so on and so forth, by the time she was done the little girl had cried her eyes out. Wiping her last tears, she was done crying, done living in this free world which some monster had controlled. She was going to take fucking action.

Marching her way to her hotel room she began to plan...

That monster was going down.

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