*.Welcome Home.*

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*.Welcome Home.*

August glanced down at Dru's chained up body as she slowly regained consciousness, her face was throbbing from the impact. He had taken her to a hospital, gotten her stitched up, and then he got the hell out of dodge.

"August... What's going on?" Dru questioned while she slowly sat up trying to adjust to her new and unfamiliar surroundings. "Listen baybeh I tried..." He dragged on looking down at her, "I tried ta keep you away from everybody."


"Cause yous mine! I ain't gone let them take you! I ain't goin' back!" He screamed and began to pace. But then began to laugh, "It's not like-you-can go anyways, they think it was us who killed half tha people at tha prom."

Dru froze, "I-I didn't kill anybody! You fucking monster!" Dru screamed August paused rubbing his wrist. "What you call me?"
"You heard me, monster!"

August walked over to Dru, she was tired of being walked over. "Baybeh I know you've been corrupted. But I'm hea' now." His hands rested on her shoulders and he placed a kiss on her lips which disgusted her to the max.

Her own brother, was some delusional sick fuck!

"Kevin still liked you, more than a friend! And still wanted you, after he hurt you! So he had ta' go!"

August paused feeling sick to his stomach thinking about it, "then Johnny, he had it coming Dru, I read our diary."

"You mean mine?"

"Nah ours, baybeh. I read what you said about Johnny, ya fell in luh wit that bitch ass. But he ain't love you!" She jumped at August's yelling tone before he sat by her resting his head on hers. "Julie, oh god Julie was tha worst baybeh, she barged over that nasally voice. She had ta go." Dru felt like her body had absorbed a bunch of a coca leaf.

Numb, as she just realized her brother killed everyone that she's ever associated with.

"But I know you don't really luh Quay, you luh me." August smiled.

He knew his baby very well, and to say she didn't love him would be a complete lie. "Where are we?" Dru questioned looking down at the shackles on her ankles. "Eva been ta' Cali?" Dru gasped with teary eyes. "But we lived in New York."

"I know... but we gone have a new life, we gone get married, we gone have babies, Dru it's the life we've always wanted." Dru remained frozen remembering what happened, remembering the lamp hitting her, Quay.

Glancing down she noticed it was properly bandaged, "ight baybeh I'm gone cook ya some food ight?" Dru remained silent nothing could make her feel like shit even more. "I gotta cook fa four right?"
"We have guest?"

"Well Nolan's in tha otha room, momma comin' hea' and she a' luh ta' meet our grand-baybeh." Dru gasped frowned. "I'm not pregnant." She stated.

"No not yet, but now we got our new house we gotta have a baybeh, like I've always wanted."

Brushing his sentence off "C-can I see Nolan?" August smiled loving how fast she wanted to get use to the house. "ight come on."

Following behind August they walked to the room, "sissy!" Nolan screamed and ran over hugging her legs. "Nolan!" She greeted hugging him back, "Look at what I made out of popsicle sticks." Grabbing her hand, Nolan led her to a ship he made. "That looks so cool Nolan."

"I a' come back ta get ya in a few." Dru nodded and turned her attention to Nolan. "Nolan tell me what's wrong?" Nolan tried not to cry but after the door closed he clutched her. "I wanna see mommy and old daddy." Dru looked down. "Me too Nolan me too."

"Come here." She wiped Nolan's tears and kissed his cheek. "I'm going to get us out of here ok... We're going to find mommy and old daddy."

Nolan smiled and hugged her tighter, "you promise?"

"I promise." Dru assured.

"Ok now don't you worry about a thing I'm going to get us out, play with your Legos and relax." Nolan nodded and continued to play with Legos. Dru tried to open the window but there were screws and no tools to un do them. A knock on the door caused Dru to stop, and cuddle up to Nolan.

"Come on, she wanna meet ya."


Dru's head difted back as she hiccuped once again, "I don't feel so good." Dru slurred, August grinned while Shyla gave a small smile.

"She's so beautiful." Shyla commented, "I a' be a daddy fa' two... Inna couple days." His mother gasped out of excitement as she hugged him planting a kiss on his cheek. "My baybeh, don't be like ya dead beat." He nodded, "baby lemme go to sleep." Dru slurred and stood up making her way upstairs.

Once out of sight she grinned as she crept to Nolan's room, she knew this was her best plan so far. "Sissy?" Dru shhed him and grabbed him hurrying to the window. Using her butter knife she began to un screw the bolts.


"Listen I'm going to get us out of here.."

"What?" Nolan asked, but the two stopped as they heard footsteps. Dru hid the knife and scooped up Nolan, August opened the door open "Baybeh my momma wanted ta'..." He smirked watching Dru. He didn't know she pretended to be drunk, but she was sure as hell cute. "Nolieeee." She chirped kissing his cheek and made their way to her bed.

Nolan was unsure what to do, and why Dru was acting weird. Lying in bed he snuggled up to her. August kissed Nolan's cheek, and Dru's lips.

August then left, and closed the door. Dru sprang into action scurrying over to her knife. As she got the last nail done, she began to take off the bars. As the door opened again and August was there with some clothing.

"Dru?" She hid the knife behind her back, "August?"
"My love what are you doing?"

"Hmm oh I'm just..." She stopped as he took a step closer. "Dru what's going on?" Nolan cried out and hurried over to Dru.

Using the bar she picked it up and tried to smash the bullet proof windows. August walked over and grabbed her by the hair. "Lemme go!" She growled thrashing around. "Nolan go to my room." He nodded not wanted to disobey his dad.

"Dru stop I'm warning you."
"Fuck you!" She hissed sinking her teeth into his arm, "you fucking idiot!"

"Stop callin' me names."

"No! fucking twit!" August's face cringed up as he punched her in the face. Immediately bringing back the pounding sensation. She dropped to the ground and held her bandaged nose whimpering. "I a' teach ya ass! You gotta learn baybeh, one way or anotha." Grabbing her by the hair he picked her up and took back to her room.

With a good shove she pushed him and hit him in the jaw, and scurried down the stairs, she ended up stumbling and spraining her ankle. Picking himself up August walked to the stairs and stopped. Eyeing her from the top of the stairs, her every movement, her breath.

Watching her scramble and pull herself up. "You leave and I kill Nolan, your parents, I'll kill Quay and his doctor daddy, I'll even track Meegan and fuck her up."

Dru began to cry as August scooped her up, "I just wanna be home!" Dru yelled as he sat her on the bed, "Lemme see my Nolan!"

"Nah uh."

"What the hell do you mean Nah uh?" Dru sneered as she narrowed her eyes at August. "Baybeh I gotta start punishing you." He responded as he wrapped her ankle up. "What are you-" she gulped as she saw him pull down her skirt.

He spent 5 minutes spanking her, and punishing her. Dru let out screams as he slowly climbed in bed, pulling off her under wear. He then left briefly before coming back with a small machine.

A small tattoo machine. 

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