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(Dru In MM)


Dru made her way down the hall, and tried to ignore the pain in her back... When August got going, there was no stopping that animal.

The hair pulling,
The love bites
The bite marks
the slapping

August was a dominant person, and it amazed Dru how she was even able to keep up with his needs.

She tried to just relax, exhale, inhale, and repeat. Dru also found herself still worrying about the homeless man, but she trusted August.

"So... You downgrade to seniors?" A senior snickered, Dru kept it moving, ignoring that comment. Her heart pounded slightly faster.

"Aye I'm finna be a senior soon, you wanna fuck?" Dru bit her bottom lip acting like the words didn't faze her. She marched on, "yes girl and I swear I caught her in his t-shirt. That's why I told on her, I hope this help." Dru frowned at Tanisha's voice.

But reluctantly made her way to class, she waited for August as students kept whispering, and looking back at her.

"Dru Valentine to the guidance please, Dru Valentine." Gulping Dru made her way to the guidance. To see the police.

"W-what's going on?"

"Ma'am we're here to question you." The police stated taking a step towards her, "About what?" Dru asked putting a little more distance between her and the officer. "A missing person, witness say you were with the suspect." The police pulled out a photo of August, and Dru together.

"I didn't do anything wrong?" Dru blurted not sure what to say, "Honey all you have to do is tell us the truth, then you're free to go."
"D-don't call my parents."

"You're seventeen correct?" Dru nodded, "then we can escort you without parent's permission." The two officers escorted her into the room, "where were you last week?"

"T-the Bahamas."

"Ok and did you see a man who looked like this?" The police showed the photo of a some-what familiar guy.

"I-I think? C-can I leave now? Did I answer all your." Dru paused seeing the corpse of the guy. "Oh my... Oh now?" Dru's eyes turned away from the image.

"He broke into my suite, and my boyfriend scared him off." Dru glanced up, "he was poor, hungry, and dirty." Dru paused feeling a sense of guilt, "it's my fault! I-I should have fed him quicker, I should have calmed my boyfriend down," her eyes glanced up to the officer. "He was so scared holding the knife, he was trembling."

"He broke in your suite?" Dru nodded, "why didn't you call the police?"

Dru shrugged, "my boyfriend scared him off and we got into an argument." After a few more questions Dru was able to leave but walked right into her parents and the special counselor.

"Dru what were you doing with the police?" Her father asked growing suspicious.

"Hi Dru..." Dru blinked at the special counselor, the one who always came and talked about rape, and the fact no actually meant no. And Dru's therapist.

"H-Hi?" Dru gulped as she saw her parents, Rosanna in slight tears, and Gerald with looks that could kill. "I heard you were in some risky activities involving an adult." Dru paused realizing what Tanisha had said.

"Listen honey, it's ok to be scared. But right now here's your chance." Dru remained planted, "Dru Elaine Valentine... Are you- are you still seeing?"

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