Chapter Seventeen

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My vision was still blurry but the light emitting from the room that I was in was starting to make me come to my senses. All I could see was the figure of a man and the fear of not knowing who was hovering around me impulsed my body to jolt up. The air that hit my face as my body crashed against it made my vision clearer, I came to my senses as I looked at the unfamiliar face who did not seem fazed by my unusual but immediate wake up. "Kanamo- I mean lady (y/n) Are you okay" a strangely short man asked me. "Where am I and who are you?" I questioned the man, totally by passing his question.

In respect of me being a god and everything he answered me "My name is Toshiro Hitsugaya and you are in the soul society, in all respect Miss (l/n) you need to get up and dressed so you can have your meal and make an appearance at the celebratory event in your honour" wondering why he was telling me to get dressed, I looked down and noticed there was nothing covering me but the blanket that was laid on top of my body. Freaking out and probably's over reacting I let out a banshee like scream, grabbed the nearest thing to me which so happened to be my black heavy boot and aimed straight at Toshiro's face "GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT" I screamed. Hitsugaya ran from my words like they were flying knives. Giggling slightly at the sight of his shadow with my boot dangling from his hand behind the paper door, I rushed to my clothes which were in a pile on the side of the room, I stayed alert as I looked through the corner of my eye to check the door was still shut but when I finally finished dressing I sat back on the sleeping bag like bed and called Toshiro back in.

He entered cautiously and quietly, looking me deep in the eye... "I'm sorry about me intruding earlier, it was wrong of me" He said as he bowed to a 90 degree angle. Not being able to take Hitsugaya seriously, I let out a massive outburst of laughter and pulled his arm down so hard that he was sat next to me and said "don't be silly! It's all forgotten about" he turned quite pink at the thought of him being so close to a god. Noticing his raspberry blush I slightly coughed and handed my hand out for my boot to which he quickly responded and handed it over. I took my (F/C) boot, shoved it on my foot to match the other and spoke "So... Toshiro was it? Whats this celebratory event anyway? If I knew there was going to be a party I would of brought some fancier clothes" as I glared at my bags. "The event is to honour all of the God's that have returned to us for another God game. You will all be treat how you deserve to be treat... like Gods, after all you's will all have an eventful week." Understanding of the danger that I was going to face, I shoved off the fear and responded "Well I can't exactly go in these rag's! I'll be the joke of the party if I turn up in these!" freaking out I stood up and paced the room, mumbling among myself.

Toshiro looked at me pacing with a weird expression to his face "If you are worried about clothing then there is already a Kimono in the wardrobe for you to wear... I was going to mention it earlier but you chucked your boot at me. It is accustomed for the Soul Society to provide the God's luxury food, rooms and clothing." I stopped the flow of my worried pace and gazed upon the wardrobe, grabbed the handle and slid it open. I was mesmerised to find a beautiful blue silk kimono that had white water lilies embroided on the bottom, they were clustered in groups but the amount gradually decreased towards the waist line of the Kimono. Snapping back to reality I looked back to Toshiro and stared deep in his eyes and coughed again slightly, realising what I was asking of him Hitsugaya stood up and left the room so I could change.

* * * * * One Hour Time Skip * * * * *

"Almost finished" I whispered to myself as I finished adjusting the Obi of my Kimono. I turned and looked myself up and down in the mirror, I've never been the type to be over confident or to love myself for my looks but for once I actually liked the way it sat on my body. I look like a real princess, someone of importance, almost God like. As I finished complimenting myself in my mind, I heard a slight knock of the door frame, which was obviously Hitsugaya notifying me that it was time to leave for the party. Taking the hint I stumbled to the Shōji and slid it open, however I was taken back to find a taller and bulkier man standing before me.

Slightly embarrassed from the fact that I was looking at the guys waist (Obviously preparing to look at the smaller Toshiro) I looked up, tracing the guy's huge figure. The word muscular didn't even account for how big this man was and when I finally reached his face I couldn't help but notice his extreme hair that was spiked like a hedgehog, bells dangled from the edge of the spikes creating a sweet sound when the soft wind blew through his hair. I gulped in fear as the giant looked down at me, his glance was ice cold and felt like it was staring into my soul. Although, the silence was sliced when he spoke "I will be escorting you to the celebratory event Lady (Y/N), are you ready to leave?" not replying straight away, I was stunned to notice how polite the man was even though his appearance made him look quite... boisterous.

"Where is Hitsugaya?" I asked quite rudely, expecting a stern look, a frown or atleast a cold shoulder from the giraffe of a man. Instead I received a glowing smile and a huge chuckle "That kid? I mean he's shorter than you? He wouldn't be able to protect a fly, never mind a god! Now if you don't mind Lady (Y/N), we are officially late for the event" he announced whist holding his hand and arm out like a real bachelor, ready for me to take his arm and lead me to the "God Gala." As we glided down uncountable amounts of halls and through so many doors, I suddenly felt an urge of regret for questioning the giant without even asking for his name. I stood still causing our arm link to break before I looked to the floor and said "I would just like to apologise for my rudeness when you came to my door" I got no reply, but only a devilish smile. "Would I be able to ask the name of the kind gentleman that is escorting me?" I asked, trying to charm the giant. Another silent moment emerged between us which caused my cheeks to blush ever so slightly, however the man saved me from my own embarrassment when he held out his arm for me to grab it again and said "My name is Kenpachi Zaraki, captain of squad 11... But you can call me Kenny." Smiling and feeling quite joyful about my acquaintance with Kenpachi, we continued on our journey to the celebratory event.

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