Chapter Forty-Three ; Part One

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Amongst the sea of the cheering audience, Ichigo's prominent hair could not be seen like a beacon of light... like a beacon of hope. Hatchiman and (y/n) circled the arena slowly, watching each others every move; trying to predict who would make the first blow.

She makes a quick scan of the stalls to see Captain Hitsugaya and Kenpatchi sitting on the edge of their seats, grasping the arena ledge for dear life as they looked down on their trainee below them. (y/n) tried to ease their worry with a quick nod and a smile.

Before (y/n) could contemplate on the lack of presence of another important figure, Hatchiman lunged himself towards her. Devilish smile stamped on his face and sword pointed straight at the target.

The sound of the clang from the two swords meeting rang in the rivals ears.

However (y/n)'s blocking stance was cut short as Hatchiman swiftly pulled his sword above his head for a powerful blow.


"You may be fast... But I'm faster" (y/n) groaned amusingly.

Hatchiman let out a monstrous scream before going in for the Kill.

To his surprise, (y/n) managed to block again, and again.

Time seemed to stop as Toshiro and Kenpatchi took as gasp for air simultaneously.

She looked at the Sword glued to her hand as she raised it to counter, noticing that she was starting to shake with exhaustion.

"Maybe this is as far as I go" (y/n) questioned to herself.

"Let go... Let go..." Kanamori whisper from within her.

Panicking that she may not be good enough, she accepted the invitation for the Deity to take the wheel. Once again, the zanpakuto's met but with it came a whirl wind explosion causing all the sand on the floor to be lifted into the air. The crowd scowled and cheered as they scrunched up their face to see through the sandstorm like arena. New forces were awakened with (y/n) and certainly an undoubted amount of power. Only blurred shadows could be seen from the stalls as both Deities clashed together in battle, attack after attack.

"DON'T STOP (y/n), YOU'VE GOT HIM NOW!" (y/n) heard Renji scream from across the arena as she stood breathless. She looked upon her rival, who was just as exasperated.

"You can't go on forever (y/n), you have no match to a God's full power. The human Hatchiman you met that fateful night is gone, you're facing the real deal right now..." Hatchiman jested before slowly walking towards her.

Unable to move, she started to quiver. The confident persona was starting to wear as she looked upon Hatchiman towering over her.


(y/n) blocked another attack but was getting pushed into a kneel with the strength of The god of war's sword against hers.

"This is it! You are out of you're league!"

Another swing could end it all. It could damn the future of each realm and could make all of (y/n)'s hard work seem irrelevant.

The sword flung down in slow motion as Kanamori sang in (y/n)'s head for a second time.

"You need to make a decision now sweet (y/n). Just as Hatchiman let the God of War take over, you must let me take full control if you want to win this match. You've proven yourself worthy but please accept some help." Despite a bad feeling washing over her body she closed her eyes and thought...

"Kanamori, If this will save us all... I give you, Goddess of creation and destruction... permission to take control..."

A small static came from (y/n)'s Zanpakuto as Hatchiman's edged closer.

Once again but not for the last time, they met.


This explosion was different as a huge current of electricity crackled through the air. Too dense to see through but not thick enough to block the frustrated screams emanated from the God's. As if this was a signal, the audience whom was once completely satisfied with the fight; begun to panic and scream with the intensified power suffocating the air.

All of the Captains stood up briskly, heads constantly turning between looking over at the running crowds and searching the arena below them to see the unpredictable God's. 

As the dusty clouds dispersed, it revealed the God's... In true form standing before eachother. Kanamori's snow white hair flowed with the current of the wind.

"Kanamori! You finally decided to join the fight! You're just as pathetic and scared as I remember.

"WATCH YOUR TONE GOD OF WAR" Kanamori snapped back.

The chuckle from Hatchiman infuriated the Goddess as she watched him edge in closer to him.

"(y/n)... you still there?" She whispered.

As if the roles had been reversed, (y/n) spoke softly but with confusion within Kanamori's head

"Yeah... still here... Please Kanamori. Please be careful."

"Our soul's have swapped positions and even though I appear to be me, this body still belongs to you. I ensure you I will end this once and for all. I will protect you and the ones dearest to you."

"Still speaking to your puny human I see. You can't protect her Goddess and You won't be able to protect yourself from me and my creations!"

"I know exactly WHAT you created! The heathen god that falls from grace that created the demons that kills all words!"

"I DID WHAT HAD TO BE DONE!" Hatchiman snapped, almost as if Kanamori had hit a nerve.

"And now you will face the strongest of my demons, in all of their fury.." He screamed out loud raising his hands to the sky. Instantaneously, black portals that looked as deep as the darkest oceans appeared around Hatchiman. 

Kanamori glared deep at her opponent and back to the portals but was suddenly taken back with the appearance of a ghastly, long fingered hand that emerged out of the pit; clutching the floor of the arena. Processing the unbelievable move Hatchiman had made would have to wait as White masked creatures was now swarming the arena.

One by one they scuffled their selves towards the Goddess to be met with fast swipes of her sword.

The lines of blood patterned the drenched sand floor.

"NOOOOOO!" Kanamori heard from within, so loud that a pain surged through her head.

Screams from (y/n) silenced the noise around Kanamori whist she frantically searched the battle field for what (y/n) had spotted.

Next to smug Hatchiman stood a bulky spider like Hollow. It long green arms were the size of tree trunks and its face mask had dint's and scratches engraved into it. She scanned down... down to its hand.

Within in lay the one thing (y/n) was searching for, her hope in this place.

Her carrot top boy was entangled between the Hollow's fingers, scuffs on every inch of his face, rips and tears in his Shihakusho. Unconscious but still breathing.

"Ichigo..." Kanamori whispered.

"(y/n)? Can you still hear me girl? I have you precious friend just like I said I would. I'm going to crush you both from the soul outwards" 

***** Author's note :  Please be gentle with me on this chapter, I've never written a fight scene ever in my life and I've come to realise how bloody hard it is! This little chapter took me almost 3 hours to write!!

P.S - Yeahh yeahh, I made Ichigo a little damsel in distress; Sue me. This story was always going to be about (Y/N) !!

Don't forget to vote and let me know what you think in the comments, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I hope you are all sitting on the edge of your seat's for part 2 of the fight scene!! *****

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